merge 英 [mɜ:dʒ]   美 [mɜrdʒ]


merge  英 [mɜ:dʒ] 美 [mɜrdʒ]

v. 合并;融合 

进行时:merging  过去式:merged  过去分词:merged  第三人称单数:merges  名词复数:merges 

The banks are set to merge next year. 这几家银行准备明年合并。
His department will merge with mine. 他的部门将和我的合并。

  • The verb merge means to seamlessly join something. For example, when you merge onto the highway, you need to smoothly join the traffic, forgetting everything you learned riding the bumper cars at the fair.
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  • v. 合并;融合
  • 1. The banks are set to merge next year.


  • 2. His department will merge with mine.


  • 3. His department will be merged with mine.


  • 4. The hills merged into the dark sky behind them.


  • merge (v.) 1630s, "to plunge or sink in," from Latin mergere "to dip, dip in, immerse, plunge," probably rhotacized from *mezgo, from PIE *mezg- "to dip, plunge" (source also of Sanskrit majjati "dives under," Lithuanian mazgoju, mazgoti "to wash"). Legal sense of "absorb an estate, contract, etc. into another" is from 1726. Related: Merged; merging. As a noun, from 1805.
merge / mɜːdʒ ; NAmE mɜːrdʒ / verb 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to combine or make two or more things combine to form a single thing (使)合并,结合,并入 The banks are set to merge next year. 这几家银行准备明年合并。 The two groups have merged to form a new party. 两大组织合并组成一个新党。 mergewith sth His department will merge with mine. 他的部门将和我的合并。 mergeinto sth The villages expanded and merged into one large town. 这些村庄扩大了并且结合成了一个大集镇。 merge(A and B) (together) Fact and fiction merge together in his latest thriller. 在他最新的惊险小说中,真实和虚构交织在一起。 mergeA with B His department will be merged with mine. 他的部门将和我的合并。 mergesth The company was formed by merging three smaller firms. 公司是由三家小公司合并组成的。 2 [intransitive ] merge(into sth) if two things merge,or if one thing merges intoanother, the differences between them gradually disappear so that it is impossible to separate them 相融;融入;渐渐消失在某物中 The hills merged into the dark sky behind them. 山峦渐渐隐入背后漆黑的夜空之中。 IDIOM merge into the ˈbackground (of a person ) to behave quietly when you are with a group of people so that they do not notice you 悄悄融入整体;不求闻达 merge merges merged merging merge / mɜːdʒ ; NAmE mɜːrdʒ /
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