merchant banker 英 [ˈmə:tʃənt ˈbæŋkə]   美 [ˈmɚtʃənt ˈbæŋkɚ]

merchant banker

merchant banker  英 [ˈmə:tʃənt ˈbæŋkə] 美 [ˈmɚtʃənt ˈbæŋkɚ]

phrase. 商业银行家 

Investment banker Amin Merchant, who founded the chauffeur school, says there is a disconnect between the owners and drivers of luxury cars in India. 这个培训学校的创立者、投资银行家阿明•麦钱特(Amin Merchant)说,在印度,豪华车车主和司机之间缺少联系。
Different cultures have different definitions of cheating: A merchant haggling over a carpet in a Turkish bazaar might offend a Dutch banker's sense of business propriety. 不同的文化对欺骗有不同的定义。一个在土耳其集市上为一块地毯讨价还价的商人,也许会让一位荷兰银行家嗤之以鼻。

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  • phrase. 商业银行家
  • 1. Investment banker Amin Merchant, who founded the chauffeur school, says there is a disconnect between the owners and drivers of luxury cars in India.

    这个培训学校的创立者、投资银行家阿明•麦钱特(Amin Merchant)说,在印度,豪华车车主和司机之间缺少联系。

  • 2. Different cultures have different definitions of cheating: A merchant haggling over a carpet in a Turkish bazaar might offend a Dutch banker's sense of business propriety.


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