meet 英 [mi:t]   美 [mit]


meet  英 [mi:t] 美 [mit]

v. 满足;遇见  n. 集会 

进行时:meeting  过去式:met  过去分词:met  第三人称单数:meets  名词复数:meets 

Maybe we'll meet again some time. 说不定我们什么时候还会再见面。
Did you meet anyone in town? 你在城里碰见什么人了吗?

  • Meet means to interact in some way. You can meet someone at a party, you can meet another team in a game.
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  • v. 满足;遇见
  • n. 集会
  • 1. Maybe we'll meet again some time.


  • 2. Did you meet anyone in town?


  • 3. Let's meet for a drink after work.


  • 4. Will you meet me at the airport?


  • 5. Nice meeting you.


  • 6. I don't think we've met.


  • 7. Others have met problems.


  • 8. The curtains don't meet in the middle.


  • 9. His hand met hers.


  • 10. How can we best meet the needs of all the different groups?


  • meet (adj.) "proper, fitting," Old English gemæte, Anglian *gemete, "suitable, having the same dimensions," from Proto-Germanic *ga-mætijaz (source also of Old Norse mætr, Old High German gimagi, German gemäß "suitable"), from collective prefix *ga- + PIE root *med- "take appropriate measures." The basic formation is thus the same as that of commensurate.
  • meet (n.) 1831 in the sporting sense, originally of gatherings for hunting, from meet (v.).
  • meet (v.) Old English metan "to find, find out; fall in with, encounter; obtain," from Proto-Germanic *motjan (source also of Old Norse mæta, Old Frisian meta, Old Saxon motian "to meet," Gothic gamotijan), from PIE root *mod- "to meet, assemble." Related to Old English gemot "meeting." Meaning "to assemble" is from 1520s. Of things, "to come into contact," c. 1300. Related: Met; meeting. To meet (someone) halfway in the figurative sense is from 1620s.
meet / miːt ; NAmE miːt / verb , noun meet meets met meeting verb ( met , met / met ; NAmE met / ) by chance 偶然地 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ,  no passive ] to be in the same place as sb by chance and talk to them 相遇;相逢;遇见 Maybe we'll meet again some time. 说不定我们什么时候还会再见面。 meetsb Did you meet anyone in town? 你在城里碰见什么人了吗? by arrangement 通过安排 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ,  no passive ] to come together formally in order to discuss sth 开会;会晤 The committee meets on Fridays. 委员会每周五开会。 meetsb The Prime Minister met other European leaders for talks. 首相与其他欧洲首脑举行会谈。 meetwith sb The President met with senior White House aides. 总统会见了白宫的高级幕僚。 3 [intransitive ,  transitive ,  no passive ] to come together socially after you have arranged it (与…)会面;集合 meet(for sth) Let's meet for a drink after work. 下班后我们一起去喝一杯吧。 meetsb (for sth) We're meeting them outside the theatre at 7. 我们 7 点钟在剧院外面和他们会合。 4 [transitive ] meetsb/sth to go to a place and wait there for a particular person to arrive 迎接 Will you meet me at the airport? 你到机场接我好吗? The hotel bus meets all incoming flights. 酒店有车在机场迎接各航班的旅客。 I met him off the plane. 他下飞机后我就接到了他。 for the first time 初次 5 [transitive ,  no passive ,  intransitive ] meet(sb) to see and know sb for the first time; to be introduced to sb 相识;结识;被引见介绍(给某人) Where did you first meet your husband? 你是在哪儿和你丈夫初次相识的? ( especially BrE) Pleased to meet you. 很高兴认识你。 ( NAmE) Nice meeting you. 很高兴认识你。 There's someone I want you to meet. 我想介绍你认识一个人。 I don't think we've met. 我想我们没见过面吧。 in contest 比赛 6 [intransitive ,  transitive ,  no passive ] to play, fight, etc. together as opponents in a competition 遭遇;交锋 Smith and Jones met in last year's final. 史密斯和琼斯在去年的决赛中相遇。 meetsb Smith met Jones in last year's final. 在去年的决赛中,史密斯与琼斯交锋。 experience sth 经历 7 [transitive ] meetsth to experience sth, often sth unpleasant 经历(常指不愉快的事) Others have met similar problems. 其他人遇到过同样的问题。 How she met her deathwill probably never be known. 她的死因也许永远无人知晓。 SYN come across , encounter touch/join 接触;连接 8 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to touch sth; to join 接触(某物);连接 The curtains don't meet in the middle. 这窗帘中间合不拢。 meetsth That's where the river meets the sea. 这条河就在这里流入大海。 His hand met hers. 他的手碰到她的手。 satisfy 满足 9 [transitive ] meetsth to do or satisfy what is needed or what sb asks for 满足;使满意 SYN fulfil How can we best meet the needsof all the different groups? 我们怎样才能最好地满足各种人的需要呢? Until these conditions are metwe cannot proceed with the sale. 除非这些条件得到满足,否则我们不能继续这项交易。 I can't possibly meet that deadline. 我不可能如期完成。 pay 支付 10 [transitive ] meetsth to pay sth 支付;偿付 The cost will be metby the company. 费用将由公司支付。 IDIOMS meet sb's ˈeye(s) | meet sb's ˈgaze, ˈlook, etc. | people's ˈeyes meet 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] if you meet sb's eye(s),you look directly at them as they look at you; if two people's eyes meet,they look directly at each other (和某人)对视,目光相遇 She was afraid to meet my eye. 她不敢正眼看我。 Their eyes met across the crowded room. 他们隔着拥挤的房间目光相遇了。 She met his gaze without flinching. 她毫不畏缩地与他对视。 2 [transitive ] ~ your eyes if a sight meets your eyes,you see it 呈现;显现 A terrible sight met their eyes. 一幅可怕的景象映入他们的眼帘。 meet sb halfˈway to reach an agreement with sb by giving them part of what they want 和某人妥协;对某人作出让步 meet your ˈMaker ( especially humorous) to die 死;见上帝 there is more to sb/sth than meets the ˈeye a person or thing is more complicated or interesting than you might think at first 某人(或物)比料想的更为复杂(或有趣) more at end n. , match n. , rubber , twain PHRASAL VERBS ˌmeet ˈup (with sb) ( rather informal) to meet sb, especially by arrangement (按照安排)见面,会面 They met up again later for a drink. 后来他们又在一起喝过酒。 ˈmeet with sb to meet sb, especially for discussions 和某人会晤(商讨问题等) The President met with senior White House aides. 总统会见了白宫的高级幕僚。 ˈmeet with sth 1 to be received or treated by sb in a particular way 遭遇(某事);受到某种对待 Her proposal met with resistance from the Left. 她的建议遭到了左翼的抵制。 to meet with success/failure 成功;失败 2 to experience sth unpleasant 经历,体验(不愉快的事) She was worried that he might have met with an accident. 她怕他出了车祸。 ˈmeet sth with sth to react to sth in a particular way (对某事)作出…反应;以…作为回应 SYN receive His suggestion was met with howls of protest. 他的建议引起了一阵阵的抗议声。 noun 1 ( especially NAmE) a sports competition 体育比赛;运动会 a track meet 径赛运动会 2 ( BrE) an event at which horse riders and dogs hunt foxes. Fox-huntingwith dogs is now illegal in the UK. 猎狐运动(现在于英国用狗猎狐属违法行为) meet / miːt ; NAmE miːt / met / met ; NAmE met /
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