meantime 英 [ˈmi:ntaɪm]   美 [ˈminˌtaɪm]


meantime  英 [ˈmi:ntaɪm] 美 [ˈminˌtaɪm]

n. 其时,其间  adv. 同时;其间 


In the meantime, you have to insulate yourself from his moods. 同时,你必须将你自己隔绝在他的情绪之外。
Each month around sixty new women were sent out from Auschwitz and the same number were sent back, minus those who had died in the meantime. 每个月大约都有六十个新来的妇女从奥斯维辛集中营被送出,同样数目的人被送进来,减去那些同时死亡的人。

  • The meantime is the time between two events. You might be waiting for the second half of a soccer game to begin, and in the meantime call your best friend to tell her the score.
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  • n. 其时,其间
  • adv. 同时;其间
  • 1. In the meantime, you have to insulate yourself from his moods.


  • 2. Each month around sixty new women were sent out from Auschwitz and the same number were sent back, minus those who had died in the meantime.


  • 3. But how, in the meantime, should we approach our personal consumption?


  • meantime (n.) also mean time, mid-14c., from mean (adj.2) "middle, intermediate" + time (n.). Late 14c. as an adverb. In the mean space "meanwhile" was in use 16c.-18c.
mean·time / ˈmiːntaɪm ; NAmE ˈmiːntaɪm / noun , adverb noun IDIOMS for the ˈmeantime ( BrE) for a short period of time but not permanently 眼下;暂时 I'm changing my email address but for the meantime you can use the old one. 我要更换电邮地址,不过那个旧的暂时也还可以用。 in the ˈmeantime in the period of time between two times or two events 其间;同时 SYN meanwhile My first novel was rejected by six publishers. In the meantime I had written a play. 我的第一部小说遭到六家出版商的拒绝。其间我又完成了一部戏剧。 adverb ( informal) = meanwhile adv.  (1 ), ( 2 ) I'll contact them soon. Meantime don't tell them I'm back. 我会尽快和他们联系。在此期间,不要告诉他们我回来了。 mean·time / ˈmiːntaɪm ; NAmE ˈmiːntaɪm /
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