mayonnaise 英 [ˌmeɪəˈneɪz]   美 [ˈmeɪəneɪz]


mayonnaise  英 [ˌmeɪəˈneɪz] 美 [ˈmeɪəneɪz]

n. 蛋黄酱 


'I use only Kraft mayonnaise, ' he says. 罗德说,“我只用卡夫牌蛋黄酱。”
Some other foods that should be avoided until the recall is over include homemade items like Caesar dressing, mayonnaise, ice cream, custard,Hollandaise sauce and egg drop soup. 有些食物-包括自制食品-在本次召回停止前应当避免食用,比如凯撒酱,蛋黄酱,冰淇淋,奶油,荷兰寿司和鸡蛋酱汤等。

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  • n. 蛋黄酱
  • 1. 'I use only Kraft mayonnaise, ' he says.


  • 2. Some other foods that should be avoided until the recall is over include homemade items like Caesar dressing, mayonnaise, ice cream, custard,Hollandaise sauce and egg drop soup.


  • 3. When you make coleslaw or potato salad, use light or non-fat mayonnaise.


  • mayonnaise (n.) sauce made from egg yolks, oil, and vinegar, 1815, from French sauce mayonnaise (1806), said by French sources to be corrupted from mahonnaise and to have been named in recognition of Mahon, seaport capital of island of Minorca, captured by France 1756 after the defeat of the British defending fleet in the Seven Years' War; the sauce having been introduced either in commemoration of the victory, which was led by Armand de Vignerot du Plessis, duc de Richelieu (1696–1788), or because it was brought to France from there by him. But unless there is a gap in the record, the late date of appearance of the word make this seem doubtful.
may·on·naise / ˌmeɪəˈneɪz ; NAmE ˈmeɪəneɪz / ( also informal mayo / ˈmeɪəʊ ; NAmE ˈmeɪoʊ / ) noun [uncountable ] a thick cold white sauce made from eggs, oil and vinegar,used to add flavour to sandwiches,salads, etc. 蛋黄酱(用作三明治、色拉等的调味品) egg mayonnaise (= a dish made with hard-boiled eggs and mayonnaise) 鸡蛋美奶滋(有煮老的鸡蛋和蛋黄酱) mayonnaise mayonnaises may·on·naise / ˌmeɪəˈneɪz ; NAmE ˈmeɪəneɪz / mayo / ˈmeɪəʊ ; NAmE ˈmeɪoʊ /
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