- Mawkish means excessively sentimental or so sappy it's sickening. Which is how you'd describe two lovebirds gushing over each other or your grandma’s cooing, cheek pinches, and sloppy-lipstick kisses.
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- adj. 令人作呕的,令人厌恶的;自作多情的;淡而无味的
1. But, as a former war reporter myself, I recoil from the mawkish sentimentality with which we enshrine our casualties.
2. Alternately mawkish and grisly, The Lovely Bones bounces back and forth between Susie’s dreamily surreal limbo and the mundane miseries of life on earth.
3. Yet there was nothing mawkish or funereal about the atmosphere at the weekend shows — rather they were a celebration of the individuality that produces imaginative talent.
- mawkish (adj.) 1660s, "sickly, nauseated," from Middle English mawke "maggot" (see maggot). Sense of "sickly sentimental" is first recorded 1702. Related: Mawkishly; mawkishness.
mawk·ish / ˈmɔːkɪʃ ; NAmE ˈmɔːkɪʃ / adjective ( disapproving) expressing or sharing emotion in a way that is exaggerated or embarrassing 无病呻吟的;自作多情的;多愁善感的 SYN sentimental ◆ a mawkish poem 无病呻吟的诗歌 ▶ mawk·ish·ness / ˈmɔːkɪʃnəs ; NAmE ˈmɔːkɪʃnəs / noun [uncountable ] mawk·ish / ˈmɔːkɪʃ ; NAmE ˈmɔːkɪʃ / mawk·ish·ness / ˈmɔːkɪʃnəs ; NAmE ˈmɔːkɪʃnəs /
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