marriage 英 [ˈmærɪdʒ]   美 [ˈmærɪdʒ]


marriage  英 [ˈmærɪdʒ] 美 [ˈmærɪdʒ]

n. 结婚;婚姻 


a happy marriage,an unhappy marriage 幸福的╱不幸福的婚姻
All of her children's marriages ended in divorce. 她的孩子们最终都离了婚。

  • Marriage is when two people join together through a legal contract, a religious ceremony, or both.
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  • n. 结婚;婚姻
  • 1. a happy marriage,an unhappy marriage


  • 2. All of her children's marriages ended in divorce.


  • 3. an arranged marriage


  • 4. They don't believe in marriage.


  • 5. Their marriage took place in a local church.


  • marriage (n.) c. 1300, "action of marrying, entry into wedlock;" also "state or condition of being husband and wife, matrimony, wedlock;" from Old French mariage "marriage; dowry" (12c.), from Vulgar Latin *maritaticum (11c.), from Latin maritatus, past participle of maritatre "to wed, marry, give in marriage" (see marry (v.)). The Vulgar Latin word also is the source of Italian maritaggio, Spanish maridaje.
mar·riage / ˈmærɪdʒ ; NAmE ˈmærɪdʒ / noun 1 [countable ] the legal relationship between a husband and wife 结婚;婚姻 a happy/unhappy marriage 幸福的╱不幸福的婚姻 All of her children's marriages ended in divorce. 她的孩子们最终都离了婚。 an arranged marriage (= one in which the parents choose a husband or wife for their child) 一桩父母安排的婚姻 She has two children by a previous marriage. 她和前夫有两个孩子。 see also mixed 2 [uncountable ] the state of being married 婚姻生活;已婚状态 They don't believe in marriage. 他们不相信婚姻。 My parents are celebrating 30 years of marriage. 我的父母亲即将庆祝结婚 30 周年。 3 [countable ] the ceremony in which two people become husband and wife 婚礼 Their marriage took place in a local church. 他们的婚礼是在当地一所教堂里举行的。 HELP  Weddingis more common in this meaning. 表示“婚礼”,wedding 更为常见。 IDIOM by ˈmarriage when sb is related to you by marriage,they are married to sb in your family, or you are married to sb in their family 通过姻亲关系 more at hand n. COLLOCATIONS 词语搭配 Marriage and divorce 结婚和离婚 Romance 恋爱 fall/be(madly/deeply/hopelessly) in love(with sb) (疯狂地/深深地/无可救药地)爱上/爱着(某人) be/believe in/fall inlove at first sight 是/相信一见钟情;一见钟情 be/findtrue love/the love of your life 是/找到真爱/一生的爱 suffer (from)(the pains/pangs of) unrequited love 受单相思之苦 have/feel/show/expressgreat/deep/genuine affection for sb/sth 对某人/某事有着/表示出强烈的/深深的/真挚的爱慕之情 meet/marryyour husband/wife/partner/fiancé/fiancée/boyfriend/girlfriend 与丈夫/妻子/伴侣/未婚夫/未婚妻/男朋友/女朋友结识/结婚 have/go ona (blind) date 有个/去约会/相亲 be going out with/( especially NAmE) datinga guy/girl/boy/man/woman 与一个小伙子/女生/男生/男人/女人在谈恋爱 move in with/live withyour boyfriend/girlfriend/partner 与男朋友/女朋友/伴侣同居 Weddings 婚礼 get/beengaged/married/divorced 订婚;结婚;离婚 arrange/plana wedding 安排婚礼 havea big wedding/a honeymoon/a happy marriage 举行隆重的婚礼;度蜜月;婚姻幸福 have/enter intoan arranged marriage 有一个/走入包办婚姻 call off/cancel/postponeyour wedding 取消/推迟婚礼 invite sb to/go to/attenda wedding/a wedding ceremony/a wedding reception 邀请某人出席/参加婚礼/结婚典礼/结婚喜宴 conduct/performa wedding ceremony 举行结婚典礼 exchangerings/wedding vows/marriage vows 交换戒指;互致结婚誓言 congratulate/toast/raise a glass tothe happy couple 祝贺这对幸福的新人;为这对幸福的伉俪干杯 be/go onhoneymoon (with your wife/husband) (与妻子/丈夫)在/去度蜜月 celebrateyour first (wedding) anniversary 庆祝第一个(结婚)纪念日 Separation and divorce 分居和离婚 be unfaithful to/( informal) cheat onyour husband/wife/partner/fiancé/fiancée/boyfriend/girlfriend 对丈夫/妻子/伴侣/未婚夫/未婚妻/男朋友/女朋友不忠 havean affair (with sb) (和某人)有暧昧关系 break off/endan engagement/a relationship 解除/终止婚约/恋爱关系 break up with/split up with/( informal) dumpyour boyfriend/girlfriend 与男友/女友分手;甩掉男友/女友 separate from/be separated from/leave/divorceyour husband/wife 和丈夫/妻子分居;离弃丈夫/妻子;与丈夫/妻子离婚 annul/dissolvea marriage 宣布婚姻无效;解除婚姻关系 apply for/ask for/go through/geta divorce 申请/要求/办理离婚;离婚 get/gain/be awarded/have/losecustody of the children 获得/被判予/拥有/失去对孩子的监护权 payalimony/child support (to your ex-wife/husband) (向前妻/前夫)支付生活费/子女抚养费 marriage marriages mar·riage / ˈmærɪdʒ ; NAmE ˈmærɪdʒ /
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