marksman 英 [ˈmɑ:ksmən]   美 [ˈmɑrksmən]


marksman  英 [ˈmɑ:ksmən] 美 [ˈmɑrksmən]

n. 神射手;不能用笔署名者 


One ad portrayed a well-dressed marksman firing at a target in his living room fireplace while a dog lounged at his feet. 当时的一则广告中,一个穿着讲究的神射手在一个起居室壁炉里的目标射击时,在他周围的一直狗懒洋洋的躺着。
Jackson was also injured during an 1806 duel with famous marksman Charles Dickinson, during which Dickinson shot the future president in the chest. 杰克逊1806年在和著名的神枪手查尔斯·迪金森的一次决斗中也曾受枪伤,那次决斗,迪金森射中了未来总统的胸部。

  • A marksman is someone who is excellent at shooting a gun. A skilled marksman hits the bull’s eye every time.
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  • n. 神射手;不能用笔署名者
  • 1. One ad portrayed a well-dressed marksman firing at a target in his living room fireplace while a dog lounged at his feet.


  • 2. Jackson was also injured during an 1806 duel with famous marksman Charles Dickinson, during which Dickinson shot the future president in the chest.


  • 3. The SABR™ rifle allows a marksman to perform assaulter duty with the 12” barreled upper installed, and quickly switch to a sniper role simply by changing to the 20” barreled upper.


  • marksman (n.) 1650s, from mark (n.1) in Middle English sense of "target" + man; with genitive -s. Earlier form was markman (1570s).
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