market 英 [ˈmɑ:kɪt]   美 [ˈmɑrkɪt]


market  英 [ˈmɑ:kɪt] 美 [ˈmɑrkɪt]

n. 市场 

进行时:marketing  过去式:marketed  过去分词:marketed  第三人称单数:markets  名词复数:markets 

a fruit market, a flower market 水果╱鲜花市场
an indoor market, a street market 室内╱街头市场

  • Market is both a noun and a verb that have to do with selling. Companies that successfully market potato chips make people buy a big bag at the market.
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  • n. 市场
  • 1. a fruit market, a flower market


  • 2. an indoor market, a street market


  • 3. market stalls


  • 4. Thursday is market day.


  • 5. We buy our fruit and vegetables at the market.


  • 6. the world market in coffee


  • 7. the Japanese market


  • 8. It is marketed as a wine.


  • market (n.) early 12c., "a meeting at a fixed time for buying and selling livestock and provisions," from Old North French market "marketplace, trade, commerce" (Old French marchiet, Modern French marché), from Latin mercatus "trading, buying and selling, trade, market" (source of Italian mercato, Spanish mercado, Dutch markt, German Markt), from past participle of mercari "to trade, deal in, buy," from merx (genitive mercis) "wares, merchandise."
  • market (v.) 1630s, from market (n.). Related: Marketed; marketing.
mar·ket / ˈmɑːkɪt ; NAmE ˈmɑːrkɪt / noun , verb market markets marketed marketing noun 1 [countable ] an occasion when people buy and sell goods; the open area or building where they meet to do this 集市;市场;商场 a fruit/flower/antiques market 水果╱鲜花╱古玩市场 an indoor/a street market 室内╱街头市场 market stalls/traders 集市货摊╱商贩 We buy our fruit and vegetables at the market. 我们在市场上购买水果和蔬菜。 Thursday is market day. 星期四是赶集日。 a market town (= a town in Britain where a regular market is or was held) (英国定期举行集市贸易的)集镇 see also farmers' market 2 [singular ] business or trade, or the amount of trade in a particular type of goods 交易;买卖;交易量 the world market in coffee 世界咖啡交易 They have increased their share of the marketby 10%. 他们将其所占的市场份额增加了 10%。 the property/job market (= the number and type of houses, jobs, etc. that are available) 房地产╱就业市场 They have cornered the market insportswear (= sell the most). 他们垄断了运动装的销售。 collocationsat business 3 [countable ] a particular area, country or section of the population that might buy goods 商品的销售地;行销地区;消费群体 the Japanese market 日本市场 the global/domestic market 全球╱国内销售市场 4 [singular ] market(for sth) the number of people who want to buy sth (顾客对货物或服务的)需求 SYN demand a growing/declining marketfor second-hand cars 不断扩大的╱萎缩的二手车市场 5 ( oftenthe market ) [singular ] people who buy and sell goods in competition with each other (处于竞争中的)市场经营者,市场 The market will decide if the TV station has any future. 电视台是否有前途将取决于市场。 a market-based/market-driven/market-ledeconomy 以市场为基础的╱市场推动的╱市场引导的经济 see also black market , market forces 6 [countable ] = stock market the futures market 期货市场 a market crash 股市暴跌 HELP  There are many other compounds ending in market.You will find them at their place in the alphabet. 以 market 结尾的复合词还有很多,可在各字母中的适当位置查到。 IDIOMS in the ˈmarket for sth interested in buying sth 有意购买 I'm not in the market for a new car at the moment. 我现在还不想买新车。 on the ˈmarket available for people to buy 出售;上市;有现货供应 to put your house on the market 出售房屋 The house came on the market last year. 这栋房屋去年就上市了。 There are hundreds of different brands on the market. 有数百种不同的品牌供应。 on the open ˈmarket available to buy without any restrictions 敞开销售;自由买卖 play the ˈmarket to buy and sell stocksand shares in order to make a profit 买卖证券和股票 more at buyer , price v. , seller verb marketsth (to sb) (as sth) to advertise and offer a product for sale; to present sth in a particular way and make people want to buy it 推销;促销 SYN promote It is marketed as a low-alcohol wine. 它作为一种低度酒投放市场。 School meals need to be marketed to children in the same way as other food. 校餐也要以其他食品的推销方法推销给孩子。 see also marketing mar·ket / ˈmɑːkɪt ; NAmE ˈmɑːrkɪt /
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