marathoner ['mærəθɔnə]  


marathoner  ['mærəθɔnə]

n. 马拉松运动员 


On the other hand, the ultra-marathoner might outlive us all. 另一方面,终极马拉松运动员可能比我们都要长寿。
After an 8-mile run this weekend, a first-time, enthusiastic marathoner-in-training on my team confessed to me, "This is the first time I was bored during a run." 本周,一个首次参与训练的热情的马拉松运动员跑了8英里后向我承认:“这是我第一次在跑步时觉得无聊。”

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  • n. 马拉松运动员
  • 1. On the other hand, the ultra-marathoner might outlive us all.


  • 2. After an 8-mile run this weekend, a first-time, enthusiastic marathoner-in-training on my team confessed to me, "This is the first time I was bored during a run."


  • 3. A marathoner-in-training on my team couldn't understand why she had been really tired and sluggish the day after her long training runs.


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