manifestly ['mænifestli]  


manifestly  ['mænifestli]

adv. 显然地;明白地 

This manifestly could not be done. 这显然是不可能做到的。
There is no mystery in what Lippmann was saying, it is manifestly true; the mystery is that, knowing it, we continue to play the game. 李普曼所说的没什么神秘的,它显然是真的;神秘的是,即便我们知道这个民主的缺陷,我们继续在玩儿这个游戏。

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  • adv. 显然地;明白地
  • 1. This manifestly could not be done.


  • 2. There is no mystery in what Lippmann was saying, it is manifestly true; the mystery is that, knowing it, we continue to play the game.


  • 3. At which point Joe realised that if people who manifestly shouldn’t be buying and selling stocks were doing so then the market must be in a huge bubble.


  • manifestly (adv.) "clearly," early 15c., from manifest (adj.) + -ly (2).
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