manicurist 英 [ˈmænɪkjʊərɪst]   美 [ˈmænɪkjʊrɪst]


manicurist  英 [ˈmænɪkjʊərɪst] 美 [ˈmænɪkjʊrɪst]

n. 指甲修饰师 


Being able to call a manicurist to your apartment would be the first step in guaranteeing yourself the job. 为了保住这份工作,把修甲师约到你家将成为第一步。
manicurist: Here’s the scenario—you’ve got a HUGE job interview first thing in the morning, but your nails look like a rabid dog has been chewing on them. 修甲师:情节是这样的——早晨你有一个非常重要的面试,但是你的指甲像是被疯狗啃过似的。

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  • n. 指甲修饰师
  • 1. Being able to call a manicurist to your apartment would be the first step in guaranteeing yourself the job.


  • 2. manicurist: Here’s the scenario—you’ve got a HUGE job interview first thing in the morning, but your nails look like a rabid dog has been chewing on them.


  • 3. Okay, the manicurist will be right here.


  • manicurist (n.) 1884, from manicure (n.) after its sense shifted + -ist.
mani·cur·ist / ˈmænɪkjʊərɪst ; NAmE ˈmænɪkjʊrɪst / noun a person whose job is the care and treatment of the hands and nails 指甲美容师;指甲修理师;护手师 manicurist manicurists mani·cur·ist / ˈmænɪkjʊərɪst ; NAmE ˈmænɪkjʊrɪst /
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