maniac 英 [ˈmeɪniæk]   美 [ˈmeniˌæk]


maniac  英 [ˈmeɪniæk] 美 [ˈmeniˌæk]

n. 疯子,躁狂者  adj. 发狂的;狂热的;癫狂的 


It was about time I tracked that maniac down. 我追到那个疯子只是时间问题。
He realises, you sense, that he's the sock puppet of a maniac. 正如你认识到的,他意识到自己是这个疯子的傀儡。

  • A maniac is a crazy person. Screaming like a maniac is never a good way to get your point across.
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  • n. 疯子,躁狂者
  • adj. 发狂的;狂热的;癫狂的
  • 1. It was about time I tracked that maniac down.


  • 2. He realises, you sense, that he's the sock puppet of a maniac.


  • maniac (adj.) c. 1600, "pertaining to mania; insane," from French maniaque (14c.), from Late Latin maniacus, from Greek maniakos, from mania (see mania). Borrowed at first in French form; Latinized in English from 1727. The noun is attested from 1763, from the adjective.
ma·niac / ˈmeɪniæk ; NAmE ˈmeɪniæk / noun 1 ( informal) a person who behaves in an extremely dangerous, wild or stupid way 行为极其危险(或狂暴、愚蠢)的人;疯子;狂人 SYN madman He was driving like a maniac. 他发了疯似地开车。 2 a person who has an extremely strong desire or enthusiasm for sth, to an extent that other people think is not normal 狂热分子;过激分子 SYN fanatic 3 ( psychology ) a person suffering from mania 躁狂症患者;疯子 a homicidal maniac 杀人狂 ma·niac adjective [only before noun ] a maniac driver/fan/killer 发了疯的司机;狂热的爱好者;疯狂杀手 maniac maniacs ma·niac / ˈmeɪniæk ; NAmE ˈmeɪniæk /
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