manhood 英 [ˈmænhʊd]   美 [ˈmænˌhʊd]


manhood  英 [ˈmænhʊd] 美 [ˈmænˌhʊd]

n. 成年;男子;男子气概 


Free me from your spells, and give me back the manhood to offer you my freed heart. 把我从你的诱惑中放出来吧,把男子气概交还我,好让我把得到自由的心贡献给你。
Tonight I propose a three-year initiative to help organizations keep young people out of gangs, and show young men an ideal of manhood that respects women and rejects violence. 我今晚提出一项帮助有关组织防止年轻人加入黑帮的三年行动计划,让男青年看到什么是理想的男子气概──尊重妇女和摈弃暴力。

  • The word manhood describes both the adult period in a male human's life, and the qualities that make him a man. Some people believe that a boy reaches manhood when he hits puberty, while others maintain that manhood is based on becoming independent and responsible. Peter Pan just opted out.
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  • n. 成年;男子;男子气概
  • 1. Free me from your spells, and give me back the manhood to offer you my freed heart.


  • 2. Tonight I propose a three-year initiative to help organizations keep young people out of gangs, and show young men an ideal of manhood that respects women and rejects violence.


  • 3. If he doesn’t get it there, he tries to get his manhood affirmed in dozens of other ways.


  • manhood (n.) early 13c., "state of being human," from man (n.) + -hood. Meanings "state of being an adult male," also "manliness," are from late 14c. Similar words in Old English were less explicitly masculine: manscipe "humanity, courtesy," literally "man-ship;" mennisclicnes "state of man, humanity, humaneness, human nature." The more "manly" word was werhad "male sex, virility, manhood" (see first element in werewolf).
man·hood / ˈmænhʊd ; NAmE ˈmænhʊd / noun 1 [uncountable ] the state or time of being an adult man rather than a boy 成年;成年时期 2 [uncountable ] the qualities that a man is supposed to have, for example courage, strength and sexual power 男儿气质 Her new-found power was a threat to his manhood. 她最近具有的能力对他的男子汉气概是个威胁。 3 [singular ] ( literary or humorous) a man's penis.People use manhood to avoid saying penis . (与 penis 同义,即阴茎) 4 [uncountable ] ( literary) all the men of a country 一国的男子 The nation's manhood died on the battlefields of World War I. 这个国家的男子都在第一次世界大战的战场上牺牲了。 compare womanhood manhood manhoods man·hood / ˈmænhʊd ; NAmE ˈmænhʊd /
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