male chauvinist  

male chauvinist

male chauvinist 

phrase. 大男人主义者;歧视女性的人 

名词复数:male chauvinists 

I don't know how she can live with him; he's such a male chauvinist pig! 我真不理解她怎么能与他一起生活,他是个典型的大男子主义者。
If she is a reason woman, she definitely also in front of yours nabs for fully your face, will let you be the male chauvinist who in front of the friend will be indomitable spirit. 如果她是一个明理的女人,她肯定也会在你的哥们面前给足你面子,让你在朋友面前做个顶天立地的大男人。

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  • phrase. 大男人主义者;歧视女性的人
  • 1. I don't know how she can live with him; he's such a male chauvinist pig!


  • 2. If she is a reason woman, she definitely also in front of yours nabs for fully your face, will let you be the male chauvinist who in front of the friend will be indomitable spirit.


  • 3. Chapter 2 analysis the non-realism contents those female network literature writers fond of. In order to against Gender bias and male chauvinist, they like history irony.


  • male chauvinist (adj.) by 1936; popular from 1969 (with added pig (n.) by 1970), a specialized use of chauvinism, which in late 19c. international Communist Party jargon was extended to racism and in the next generation to sexism:
ˌmale ˈchauvinist / ; NAmE / ( also chauvinist ) noun ( disapproving) a man who believes men are more important, intelligent, etc. than women 大男子主义者 I hate working for that male chauvinist pigSteve. 我讨厌给史蒂夫这个可恶的大男子主义者干活。 ˌmale ˈchauvinist / ; NAmE /
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