mal- 英 [mæl]  


mal-  英 [mæl]

pref. 坏;不良;错误 

This mal-distribution of wealth does not bode well for a society based on the buying and selling of goods. 这种病态的财富分配,是不会给一个以商品交易为基础的社会带来好兆头的。
One of the major changes in HTML 5 was the standardization for non-standard HTML, or more specifically, mal-formed HTML. HTML 5的重要变化之一是引入了针对非标准HTML特别是错误格式HTML的标准化解析规则。

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  • pref. 坏;不良;错误
  • 1. This mal-distribution of wealth does not bode well for a society based on the buying and selling of goods.


  • 2. One of the major changes in HTML 5 was the standardization for non-standard HTML, or more specifically, mal-formed HTML.

    HTML 5的重要变化之一是引入了针对非标准HTML特别是错误格式HTML的标准化解析规则。

  • 3. It would increase nurses' confidence in the delivery of nasogastric feeding and reduce incidences of complications from mal-positioned tubes, thereby increasing patient safety.


mal- / mæl ; NAmE mæl / combining form ( in nouns, verbs and adjectives 构成名词、动词和形容词 ) bad or badly; not correct or correctly 糟糕;坏;错误 malpractice 玩忽职守 malodorous 有恶臭的 malfunction 故障 mal- / mæl ; NAmE mæl /
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