make a phone call  

make a phone call

make a phone call 

phrase. 打电话 

It may seem quicker, at first glance, to make a phone call, rather than fill out a form. 乍一看,似乎拨打电话更快,填写表格要慢得多。
In about five minutes, I was able to provision myself a phone number in the cloud that had dialtone. And then make a phone call. 用大约五分钟,我就能在云计算下设定好电话号码并接通电话,然后就可以打电话了。

  • 请先登录
  • phrase. 打电话
  • 1. It may seem quicker, at first glance, to make a phone call, rather than fill out a form.


  • 2. In about five minutes, I was able to provision myself a phone number in the cloud that had dialtone. And then make a phone call.


  • 3. Hello, can you make a phone call to Mr. Brown and set up the meeing time?


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