majestically [mə'dʒestikəli]  


majestically  [mə'dʒestikəli]

adv. 雄伟地,庄严地;威严地 

The waters of the Changjiang River rolled to the east on majestically. 雄伟的长江滚滚东流。
She has seen dally from her chamber-window towers, villages, faint white mansions; above all the town of Shaston standing majestically on its height; its windows shining like lamps in the evening sun. 每天她都从自己房间的窗户里看见教堂的钟楼、村庄和白色的屋宇;尤其是高踞山顶的威严的沙斯顿小镇特别惹人注意;小镇的窗玻璃在夕阳里闪闪发光,宛如一盏盏灯火。

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  • adv. 雄伟地,庄严地;威严地
  • 1. The waters of the Changjiang River rolled to the east on majestically.


  • 2. She has seen dally from her chamber-window towers, villages, faint white mansions; above all the town of Shaston standing majestically on its height; its windows shining like lamps in the evening sun.


  • 3. As the King of day moves forth majestically, flooding the earth and every lowly vale, listen to the music of heaven's choir as it sings of the majesty of God and the glory of the morning.


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