maid 英 [meɪd]   美 [med]


maid  英 [meɪd] 美 [med]

n. 女仆 


There is a maid to do the housework. 有个女仆做家务事。
He gave his maid $100 for a month's work. 他付给他的女仆一个月的报酬为100美元。

  • A maid is a household worker who cleans and performs various other tasks. Today, only very wealthy people have maids — it's much more common to hire an occasional housekeeper or cleaner instead.
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  • n. 女仆
  • 1. There is a maid to do the housework.


  • 2. He gave his maid $100 for a month's work.


  • 3. Once a week, a maid changes the sheets.


  • maid (n.) late 12c., "a virgin, a young unmarried woman," shortening of maiden (n.). Like that word, used in Middle English of unmarried men as well as women (as in maiden-man, c. 1200, used of both sexes, reflecting also the generic use of man). Domestic help sense is from c. 1300. In reference to Joan of Arc, attested from 1540s (French la Pucelle). Maid Marian, one of Robin Hood's companions, first recorded 1520s, perhaps from French, where Robin et Marian have been stock names for country lovers since 13c. Maid of Honor (1580s) originally was "unmarried lady of noble birth who attends a queen or princess;" meaning "principal bridesmaid" is attested from 1895. Maydelond (translating Latin terra feminarum) was "the land of the Amazons."
maid / meɪd ; NAmE meɪd / noun 1 ( often in compounds 常构成复合词 ) a female servant in a house or hotel 女仆;侍女;(旅馆的)女服务员 There is a maid to do the housework. 有个女仆做家务事。 see also barmaid , chambermaid , dairymaid , housemaid , milkmaid , nursemaid at nurse n.  (2 ) 2 ( old use) a young woman who is not married 少女;年轻姑娘;未婚年轻女子 see also old maid maid maids maid / meɪd ; NAmE meɪd /
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