macintosh ['mækintɔʃ]  


macintosh  ['mækintɔʃ]

n. 苹果公司生产的一种型号的计算机;Apple公司于1984年推出的一种系列微机;麦金托什机 


Charles macintosh, who has no connection whatsoever to the computer of the same name, is born in Glasgow, Scotland. 查尔斯·麦金托什出生在苏格兰的格拉斯哥,他和同名电脑一点关系都没有。
Although he enjoyed his greatest success and lasting fame for his waterproofing process, macintosh was no one-trick pony. 虽然受益于防水处理这一最大成就和持久的名声,但麦金托什并非只有这一招。

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  • n. 苹果公司生产的一种型号的计算机;Apple公司于1984年推出的一种系列微机;麦金托什机
  • 1. Charles macintosh, who has no connection whatsoever to the computer of the same name, is born in Glasgow, Scotland.


  • 2. Although he enjoyed his greatest success and lasting fame for his waterproofing process, macintosh was no one-trick pony.


  • 3. At the same time, though, macintosh was experimenting with the idea of waterproofing fabric, using waste byproducts from the dye process.


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