lowlands ['ləuləndz]  


lowlands  ['ləuləndz]

n. 苏格兰东南部的低地 


The area was found on the Upper Sun River, in the Tanana lowlands forest in central Alaska, and it includes remains of a seasonal house and stone tools used for cutting. 发现骨骼遗骸的地点位于阿拉斯加中部塔纳纳低地森林中的太阳河上游,地点周围还有季节性修建的房子和切割用的石器。
There are those in Bolivia who believe this scrappy grain could lift its altiplain out of poverty just as soy has become the economic motor of the country's wealthier eastern lowlands. 玻利维亚有些人相信,这种小小的谷物可以帮助这个反平原地区走出贫困,就如大豆成为了该国相对富裕的东部低地的经济马达一样。

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  • n. 苏格兰东南部的低地
  • 1. The area was found on the Upper Sun River, in the Tanana lowlands forest in central Alaska, and it includes remains of a seasonal house and stone tools used for cutting.


  • 2. There are those in Bolivia who believe this scrappy grain could lift its altiplain out of poverty just as soy has become the economic motor of the country's wealthier eastern lowlands.


  • 3. The journey over the intervening uplands and lowlands of Egdon, when she reached them, was a more troublesome walk than she had anticipated, the distance being actually but a few miles.


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