lose 英 [lu:z]   美 [luz]


lose  英 [lu:z] 美 [luz]

v. 丢失,丧失 

进行时:losing  过去式:lost  过去分词:lost  第三人称单数:loses  名词复数:loses 

I've lost my keys. 我把钥匙丢了。
The tickets seem to have got lost. 那些票好像给弄丢了。

  • The verb to lose means something has gone missing. Maybe it's your car keys. Maybe it's points in a game. Maybe it's the love of your life. Sorry about that.
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  • v. 丢失,丧失
  • 1. I've lost my keys.


  • 2. The tickets seem to have got lost.


  • 3. She lost her husband in the crowd.


  • 4. She lost a leg in a car crash.


  • 5. He's lost his job.


  • 6. Sit down or you'll lose your seat.


  • 7. She seemed to have lost interest in food.


  • 8. The business is losing money.


  • lose (v.) Old English losian "be lost, perish," from los "destruction, loss," from Proto-Germanic *lausa- (source also of Old Norse los "the breaking up of an army;" Old English forleosan "to lose, destroy," Old Frisian forliasa, Old Saxon farliosan, Middle Dutch verliesen, Old High German firliosan, German verlieren, as well as English -less, loss, loose). The Germanic word is from PIE *leus-, an extended form of root *leu- "to loosen, divide, cut apart."
lose / luːz ; NAmE luːz / verb ( lost , lost / lɒst ; NAmE lɔːst ; lɑːst / ) not find 找不到 1 [transitive ] losesth/sb to be unable to find sth/sb 遗失;丢失 SYN mislay I've lost my keys. 我把钥匙丢了。 The tickets seem to have got lost. 那些票好像给弄丢了。 She lost her husband in the crowd. 她在人群中与丈夫走散了。 have sth/sb taken away 丧失 2 [transitive ] losesth/sb to have sth/sb taken away from you as a result of an accident, getting old, dying, etc. (因事故、年老、死亡等)损失,丧失,失去 She lost a leg in a car crash. 她在一次车祸中失去了一条腿。 to lose your hair/teeth (= as a result of getting old) 脱发;掉牙 He's lost his job. 他失业了。 Some families lost everything (= all they owned)in the flood. 有些家庭的财产在洪水中损失得精光。 They lost both their sons (= they were killed)in the war. 他们的两个儿子都被战争夺去了生命。 The ship was lost at sea (= it sank). 那条船沉没了。 Many people lost their lives (= were killed). 有许多人丧生。 3 [transitive ] losesth (to sb/sth) to have sth taken away by sb/sth 被…夺去 The company has lost a lot of business to its competitors. 公司的许多生意都被对手夺走了。 4 [transitive ] losesth to have to give up sth; to fail to keep sth 被迫放弃;失去 You will lose your deposit if you cancel the order. 如果撤销订单,订金将不予退还。 Sit down or you'll lose your seat. 坐下吧,要不这个座位就没啦。 have less 减少 5 [transitive ] losesth to have less and less of sth, especially until you no longer have any of it 降低;减少;渐渐丧失 He lost his nerveat the last minute. 他在最后一刻失去了勇气。 She seemed to have lost interestin food. 她好像对食物不感兴趣了。 At that moment he lost his balanceand fell. 他在那一瞬间失去平衡摔倒了。 I've lost ten pounds since I started this diet. 这次节食开始以来我体重减了十磅。 The train was losing speed. 火车当时正在减速。 not win 未赢 6 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to be defeated; to fail to win a competition, a court case, an argument, etc. 被打败;输掉(比赛、诉讼案件、辩论等) losesth (to sb) to lose a game/a race/an election/a battle/a war 输掉比赛╱赛跑╱选举╱战役╱战争 loseto sb We lost to a stronger team. 我们输给了一支实力更强的队。 lose(sth) (by sth) He lost by less than 100 votes. 他以相差不到 100 张选票败北。 not keep 未保留 7 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to fail to keep sth you want or need, especially money; to cause sb to fail to keep sth (使)失去(所需要的东西,尤指钱) losesth The business is losing money. 这家公司正在亏损。 Poetry always loses something in translation. 诗歌一经翻译总会失去某些东西。 losesth (on sth/by doing sth) You have nothing to loseby telling the truth. 你讲真话是不会吃亏的。 loseon sth/by doing sth We lost on that deal. 我们那笔交易做亏了。 losesb sth His carelessness lost him the job. 他粗枝大叶,丢了工作。 not understand/hear 弄不懂;听不见 8 [transitive ] losesth to fail to get, hear or understand sth 不明白;听不见;弄不懂 His words were lost (= could not be heard)in the applause. 他的讲话让掌声淹没了。 9 [transitive ] losesb ( informal) to be no longer understood by sb 使弄不懂;使不理解 I'm afraid you've lost methere. 很抱歉,你把我弄糊涂了。 escape 逃避 10 [transitive ] losesb/sth to escape from sb/sth 逃避;逃脱 SYN evade , shake off We managed to lose our pursuers in the darkness. 我们设法在黑暗中摆脱了追赶者。 time 时间 11 [transitive ] losesth to waste time or an opportunity 浪费(时间);错过(机会) We lost twenty minutes changing a tyre. 我们换轮胎耽误了二十分钟。 Hurry— there's no time to lose! 快点,抓紧时间吧! He lost no time insetting out for London. 他赶紧启程去了伦敦。 12 [transitive ,  intransitive ] lose(sth) if a watch or clock losesor loses time,it goes too slowly or becomes a particular amount of time behind the correct time (钟、表)走慢,慢(若干时间) This clock loses two minutes a day. 这时钟每天慢两分钟。 OPP gain IDIOM Most idioms containing loseare at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example lose your bearingsis at bearing. 大多数含 lose 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 lose your bearings 在词条 bearing 下。 ˈlose it ( informal) to be unable to stop yourself from crying, laughing, etc; to become crazy 禁不住(哭、笑等);变得疯狂 Then she just lost it and started screaming. 然后她再也控制不住,尖叫起来。 PHRASAL VERBS ˈlose yourself in sth to become so interested in sth that it takes all your attention 沉迷于;专心致志于 ˌlose ˈout (on sth) ( informal) to not get sth you wanted or feel you should have 得不到(想要或觉得应有的东西) While the stores make big profits, it's the customer who loses out. 商店赚大钱,而吃亏的是顾客。 ˌlose ˈout to sb/sth ( informal) to not get business, etc. that you expected or used to get because sb/sth else has taken it 被…取代 Small businesses are losing out to the large chains. 小商店被大型的连锁店抢了生意。 lose loses lost losing lose / luːz ; NAmE luːz / lost / lɒst ; NAmE lɔːst ; lɑːst /
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