lose one's life  

lose one's life

lose one's life 

phrase. 牺牲生命;丧命 

To lose one's life is a tragedy, but to lose one's soul is even worse. 一个人失去生命是一个悲剧,但是失去灵魂更糟糕。
Beware that you do not suffer the fate of the corrupted Rogues. To lose one's life is a tragedy, but to lose one's soul is even worse. 小心,不要让自己变得同那些被邪恶侵蚀的浪人一样。一个人失去生命是一个悲剧,失去了灵魂则是惨剧。

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  • phrase. 牺牲生命;丧命
  • 1. To lose one's life is a tragedy, but to lose one's soul is even worse.


  • 2. Beware that you do not suffer the fate of the corrupted Rogues. To lose one's life is a tragedy, but to lose one's soul is even worse.


  • 3. To be willing not merely to risk but almost certainly to lose one's life in such a cause is the highest possible example of public spirit.


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