loosen up 英 [ˈlu:sən ʌp]   美 [ˈlusən ʌp]

loosen up

loosen up  英 [ˈlu:sən ʌp] 美 [ˈlusən ʌp]

phrase. 放松肌肉;松弛;信口开河;慷慨解囊 

If that is you right now, you need to loosen up. 如果这就是你现在的状态,那么你需要放松。
These races combine fun with hard work and let you loosen up. 这些比赛是娱乐与辛苦工作的结合,使你更加放松。

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  • phrase. 放松肌肉;松弛;信口开河;慷慨解囊
  • 1. If that is you right now, you need to loosen up.


  • 2. These races combine fun with hard work and let you loosen up.


  • 3. Your run should be at an easy (EZ), comfortable pace, which helps loosen up your muscles.


ˌloosen ˈup|ˌloosen sb/sth↔ˈup
to relax your muscles or parts of the body or to make them relax, before taking exercise, etc.(在运动或其他活动前使肌肉或身体部位)放松
ˌloosen ˈup
to relax and stop worrying放松不再担忧Come on, Jo. Loosen up.得啦,乔,放松些,别再担忧了。
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