long-awaited [ˌlɔŋəˈweɪtəd]  


long-awaited  [ˌlɔŋəˈweɪtəd]

adj. 被期待已久的 


The long-awaited recovery is now under way, but it's a slow, painful slog that's short on animal spirits and long on a drumbeat of numbers that mostly shift from dreadful to less depressing. 期待已久的恢复已开始,但这场缓慢而艰辛的跋涉少了些活力,有的只是大肆吹捧的数字游戏,尽管它最多只是将可怕的局势变得不那么令人沮丧。
But that is a forecast of the future, always a problematic exercise. Meanwhile, as things stand today, the long-awaited global rebalancing is still nothing more than a dream. 但是这只是对未来的一个预计,总是对一个问题的演练,期间,就像今天所发生的事情,长期以来期待的全球经济再平衡还仍然只是个梦想。

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  • adj. 被期待已久的
  • 1. The long-awaited recovery is now under way, but it's a slow, painful slog that's short on animal spirits and long on a drumbeat of numbers that mostly shift from dreadful to less depressing.


  • 2. But that is a forecast of the future, always a problematic exercise. Meanwhile, as things stand today, the long-awaited global rebalancing is still nothing more than a dream.


ˌlong-aˈwaited / ; NAmE / adjective that people have been waiting for for a long time 等待(或期待)已久的 her long-awaited new novel 她的令人期待已久的一部新小说 ˌlong-aˈwaited / ; NAmE /
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