long drawn out

long drawn out 英 [lɔŋ drɔ:n aut] 美 [lɔŋ drɔn aʊt]
phrase. 旷日持久的(drawn是draw的过去分词) phrase. 漫长的(drawn是draw的过去分词)
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- phrase. 旷日持久的(drawn是draw的过去分词)
- phrase. 漫长的(drawn是draw的过去分词)
1. From Warren Buffet to grand chess master Gary Kasparov to golfer Tiger Woods, all super performers reached the heights only after long drawn out periods of deliberate practice.
2. Well, the Head First editors took the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words" quite literally, and they definitely found a good way to use pictures as a substitute for long, drawn out text.
然而,Head First 的编辑相当直白地说出这个谚语,“一副图画能够比得上千字的描述”,并且他们肯定找到了用图片取代冗长文章的好方法。
3. Chief executive Tony Hayward said the firm expected the global economic recovery to be "long and drawn out".
首席执行官Tony hayward表示,该公司预期全球经济复苏是“漫长的”。
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