listed company  

listed company

listed company 

phrase. 上市公司,[金融] 股票上市的公司 

One French online dating company became a listed company in France, the first of its kind in the world. 一个法国在线约会的公司在法国成为了上市公司,世界上第一个这样的上市公司。
Chinese companies that list in the U.S. mostly use a foreign incorporated company as the listed company. 绝大部分在美上市的中国公司都用一家在国外成立的公司作为上市公司。

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  • phrase. 上市公司,[金融] 股票上市的公司
  • 1. One French online dating company became a listed company in France, the first of its kind in the world.


  • 2. Chinese companies that list in the U.S. mostly use a foreign incorporated company as the listed company.


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