life assurance 英 [laif əˈʃuərəns]   美 [laɪf əˈʃʊrəns]

life assurance

life assurance  英 [laif əˈʃuərəns] 美 [laɪf əˈʃʊrəns]

n. [保险] 人寿保险;(保险公司付给的)[保险] 人寿保险金;(被保险人缴纳的)[保险] 人寿保险费 

名词复数:life assurances 

Banking has a long history of borrowing ideas from science - astronomer Edmund Halley was constructing mortality tables for the life assurance industry back in the 17th Century. 银行业从科学中借鉴经验的历史由来已久,例如天文学家埃德蒙·哈维在17世纪就为人寿保险业编制了死亡率表格。
If we had been on land, this would have been a good time to check life assurance policies. 假如我们这时还在岸上的话,就该好好检查一下自己是否买过人生保险了。

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  • n. [保险] 人寿保险;(保险公司付给的)[保险] 人寿保险金;(被保险人缴纳的)[保险] 人寿保险费
  • 1. Banking has a long history of borrowing ideas from science - astronomer Edmund Halley was constructing mortality tables for the life assurance industry back in the 17th Century.


  • 2. If we had been on land, this would have been a good time to check life assurance policies.


ˈlife assurance / ; NAmE / noun [uncountable ] ( BrE) = life insurance ˈlife assurance / ; NAmE /
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