lie 英 [laɪ]   美 [lai]


lie  英 [laɪ] 美 [lai]

v. 躺;说谎;  n. 谎言 

进行时:lying  过去式:lay  过去分词:lain  第三人称单数:lies  名词复数:lies 

They are lying on the ground. 他们躺在地上。
The town lies on the coast. 这个小镇位于海滨。

  • When you don't tell the truth, you lie. You also lie down when you're sleepy and wonder what lies ahead of you.
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  • v. 躺;说谎;
  • n. 谎言
  • 1. They are lying on the ground.


  • 2. The town lies on the coast.


  • 3. Thompson is lying in fourth place.


  • 4. Clothes were lying all over the floor.


  • 5. The book lay open on his desk.


  • 6. Snow was lying thick on the ground.


  • 7. The child likes to lie by his mother.


  • 8. She lies about her age.


  • 9. Don't lie to me!


lie 1 / laɪ ; NAmE laɪ / verb , noun see also lie 2 lie lies lay lain lying verb ( lies , lying , lay / leɪ ; NAmE leɪ / lain / leɪn ; NAmE leɪn / ) 1 [intransitive ] (of a person or an animal 人或动物 ) to be or put yourself in a flat or horizontal position so that you are not standing or sitting 躺;平躺;平卧 + adv./prep. to lie on your back/side/front 仰卧;侧卧;俯卧 + adj. The cat was lying fast asleep by the fire. 猫卧在炉火旁睡得很熟。 2 [intransitive ] (of a thing 物品 ) to be or remain in a flat position on a surface 平放 + adv./prep. Clothes were lying all over the floor. 地板上到处都堆放着衣服。 + adj. The book lay open on his desk. 那本书摊开放在他的书桌上。 3 [intransitive ] to be, remain or be kept in a particular state 处于,保留,保持(某种状态) + adj. Snow was lying thick on the ground. 厚厚的积雪覆盖着大地。 These machines have lain idle since the factory closed. 工厂关闭以来,这些机器就一直闲置着。 + adv./prep. a ship lying at anchor 锚泊的船 I'd rather use my money than leave it lying in the bank. 我宁愿把钱花掉也不愿搁在银行里不用。 4 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. (of a town, natural feature, etc. 城镇、自然特征等 ) to be located in a particular place 位于;坐落在 The town lies on the coast. 这个小镇位于海滨。 5 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. to be spread out in a particular place 伸展;铺展;展开 The valley lay below us. 峡谷展现在我们的脚下。 6 [intransitive ] lie(in sth) (of ideas, qualities, problems, etc. 思想、特征、问题等 ) to exist or be found 存在;在于 The problem lies in deciding when to intervene. 问题在于决定何时介入。 7 [intransitive ] ( BrE) to be in a particular position during a competition (比赛时)名列,排名 + adv./prep. Thompson is lying in fourth place. 汤姆森名列第四。 + adj. After five games the German team are lying second. 经过五场比赛后,德国队排名第二。 compare lay IDIOMS lie aˈhead/in ˈstore to be going to happen to sb in the future 将来要发生 You are young and your whole life lies ahead of you. 你年纪轻,今后的日子还长着呢。 lie in ˈstate (of the dead body of an important person 重要人物的遗体 ) to be placed on view in a public place before being buried (安葬前停放在公共场所)供人瞻仰 lie in ˈwait (for sb) to hide, waiting to surprise, attack or catch sb 隐蔽待机以出其不意;伏击;埋伏以待 He was surrounded by reporters who had been lying in wait for him. 他被暗中守候他的记者团团围住。 lie ˈlow ( informal) to try not to attract attention to yourself 尽量不引起注意;不露面;不露声色 take sth lying ˈdown to accept an insult or offensive act without protesting or reacting 甘受屈辱;逆来顺受 more at bed n. , bottom n. , heavy adv. , land n. , sleep v. PHRASAL VERBS lie aˈround ( BrE also lie aˈbout ) 1 to be left somewhere in an untidy or careless way, not put away in the correct place 到处乱放;乱搁 Don't leave toys lying around—someone might trip over them. 别弄得到处是玩具,说不定会绊倒谁。 2 (of a person ) to spend time doing nothing and being lazy 无所事事地混日子;懒散度日;游手好闲 related noun layabout ˌlie ˈback to do nothing except relax 悠闲;休息;放松 You don't have to do anything—just lie back and enjoy the ride. 你什么事也不必做,只管悠闲享受这次旅程的乐趣吧。 ˌlie beˈhind sth to be the real reason for sth, often hidden 是…的真实原因(或理由) What lay behind this strange outburst? 这反常的情绪激动的真正原因是什么? ˌlie ˈdown to be or get into a flat position, especially in bed, in order to sleep or rest 躺下,平卧(尤指在床上睡觉或休息) Go and lie down for a while. 去躺一会儿吧。 He lay down on the sofa and soon fell asleep. 他在沙发上躺下,很快就睡着了。 related noun lie-down ˌlie ˈin ( BrE) ( also ˌsleep ˈin NAmE, BrE ) to stay in bed after the time you usually get up 睡懒觉;起得晚 It's a holiday tomorrow, so you can lie in. 明天放假,你可以睡懒觉了。 related noun lie-in ˈlie with sb (to do sth) ( formal) to be sb's duty or responsibility 是…的职责(或责任) It lies with you to accept or reject the proposals. 接受或是拒绝这些建议由你决定。 noun IDIOM the ˌlie of the ˈland ( BrE) ( NAmE the ˌlay of the ˈland ) 1 the way the land in an area is formed and what physical characteristics it has 地貌;地势;地形 2 the way a situation is now and how it is likely to develop 目前的形势及发展趋势 Check out the lie of the land before you make a decision. 要摸清情况后再作决定。 lie / laɪ ; NAmE laɪ / lay / leɪ ; NAmE leɪ / lain / leɪn ; NAmE leɪn / lie 2 / laɪ ; NAmE laɪ / verb , noun see also lie 1 lie lies lied lying verb ( lies , lying , lied , lied ) [intransitive ] to say or write sth that you know is not true 说谎;撒谎;编造谎言 You could see from his face that he was lying. 从他的表情你可以看出他在说谎。 lie(to sb) (about sth) Don't lie to me! 别对我撒谎! She lies about her age. 她谎报自己的年龄。 The camera cannot lie (= give a false impression). 照相机不会作假。 see also liar IDIOMS lie through your ˈteeth ( informal) to say sth that is not true at all 满口谎言;撒弥天大谎;睁着眼说瞎话 The witness was clearly lying through his teeth. 那证人分明是在睁着眼睛说瞎话。 lie your way into/out of sth to get yourself into or out of a situation by lying 由于撒谎而处于某种境地(或摆脱某种处境) noun a statement made by sb knowing that it is not true 谎言;谎话 to tell a lie 说谎 The whole story is nothing but a pack of lies. 整个叙述只不过是一派谎言。 a barefaced lie (= a lie that is deliberate and shocking) 厚颜无耻的谎话 see also white lie IDIOMS give the lie to sth ( formal) to show that sth is not true 证实…是虚假的;证明不实;揭穿谎言 I tell a ˈlie ( BrE) ( informal) used to say that sth you have just said is not true or correct (表示刚说的话不真实或不正确)我说错了,我说的不对 We first met in 2006, no, I tell a lie, it was 2007. 我们第一次见面是在 2006 年,不,我说错了,是 2007 年。 more at live 1 , tissue lie / laɪ ; NAmE laɪ /
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