liberally ['lɪbərəli]  


liberally  ['lɪbərəli]

adv. 大方地;自由地;公平地;充足地 

Like many kids of my generation, I got my first credit card at 19, and used it liberally without any sense of the damage I was doing to myself. 和我同辈人中的很多小孩一样,我在19岁拿到了自己的第一张信用卡,并且自由地使用它,完全没有意识到这会给自己带来的伤害。
By the time of LBJ's "Great Society" etc., a "liberal" was someone who claimed glory for raiding the treasury and spending other people's money "liberally" to buy votes. 在林登·约翰逊的“伟大社会”和其它类似时期,“自由主义者”成了那种以“公平”的方式抢劫国库和花他人的钱来购买选票并以此为荣的人。

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  • adv. 大方地;自由地;公平地;充足地
  • 1. Like many kids of my generation, I got my first credit card at 19, and used it liberally without any sense of the damage I was doing to myself.


  • 2. By the time of LBJ's "Great Society" etc., a "liberal" was someone who claimed glory for raiding the treasury and spending other people's money "liberally" to buy votes.


  • 3. This includes overuse, when drugs are dispensed too liberally.


  • liberally (adv.) late 14c., "generously, munificently," from liberal (adj.) + -ly (2). Meaning "freely" is c. 1500.
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