lethal 英 [ˈli:θl]   美 [ˈliθəl]


lethal  英 [ˈli:θl] 美 [ˈliθəl]

adj. 致命的,致死的  n. 致死因子 


a lethal dose of poison 毒药的致死剂量
a lethal weapon 致命的武器

  • Lethal refers to anything dangerous enough to cause death. The cobra's venom is so lethal that if you get bitten and can't find the antidote, it's lights out forever.
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  • adj. 致命的,致死的
  • n. 致死因子
  • 1. a lethal dose of poison


  • 2. a lethal weapon


  • 3. The closure of the factory dealt a lethal blow to the town.


  • lethal (adj.) "causing or resulting in death," 1580s, from Late Latin lethalis, alteration of Latin letalis "deadly, fatal," from lethum/letum "death," a word of uncertain origin. According to de Vaan, from Proto-Italic *leto-, which is perhaps a noun from a PIE past participle of a verb meaning "let, let go," on the notion of death as "a letting go." If so, related to Old Church Slavonic leto "summer, year" (from notion of "going"), Russian leto "summer," (pl.) "age, years;" Russian let' (archaic) "it is possible, allowed;" Old Norse lað, Old English læð "land," Gothic unleds "poor."
le·thal / ˈliːθl ; NAmE ˈliːθl / adjective 1 causing or able to cause death 致命的;可致死的 SYN deadly SYN fatal a lethal dose of poison 毒药的致死剂量 a lethal weapon 致命的武器 ( figurative) The closure of the factory dealt a lethal blow to the town. 那家工厂的关闭对这座城镇是致命的打击。 2 ( informal) causing or able to cause a lot of harm or damage 危害极大的;破坏性极大的 You and that car—it's a lethal combination! 你和那辆车真是致命的组合! le·thal·ly / ˈliːθəli ; NAmE ˈliːθəli / adverb le·thal / ˈliːθl ; NAmE ˈliːθl / le·thal·ly / ˈliːθəli ; NAmE ˈliːθəli /
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