let 英 [let]   美 [lɛt]


let  英 [let] 美 [lɛt]

vt. 让;  vi.  

进行时:letting  过去式:let  过去分词:let  第三人称单数:lets  名词复数:lets 

Let the bird go. 让鸟走吧。
Let your body relax. 让你的身体放松。

  • To let is to allow or permit. If you don't prevent your little brother from jumping off the roof into a pile of leaves, you let him do it.
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  • vt. 让;
  • vi.
  • 1. Let the bird go.


  • 2. Let your body relax.


  • 3. Please let me past.


  • 4. Let's go to the beach.


  • 5. I let the spare room.


  • 6. They won't let him leave the country.


let / let ; NAmE let / verb , noun let lets letting verb ( let·ting , let , let ) allow 允许 1 [no passive ] to allow sb to do sth or sth to happen without trying to stop it 允许;让 letsb/sth do sth Let them splash around in the pool for a while. 让他们在水池里扑腾一会儿吧。 Don't let her upset you. 别让她搅得你心烦。 Let your body relax. 让你的身体放松。 letsb/sth He'd eat chocolate all day long if I let him. 我要是不拦着,他会整天不停地吃巧克力。 2 to give sb permission to do sth 准许;许可;同意 letsb/sth do sth They won't let him leave the country. 他们不许他离开这个国家。 letsb/sth She wanted to lend me some money but I wouldn't let her. 她想借给我一些钱,可我不同意。 3 letsb/sth + adv./prep. to allow sb/sth to go somewhere 允许(去某处) to let sb into the house 允许某人进屋 I'll give you a key so that you can let yourself in. 我把钥匙给你,你可以自己开门进去。 Please let me past. 请让我过去。 The cat wants to be let out. 那只猫想要出去。 making suggestions 提出建议 4 let's [no passive ] let(do sth) used for making suggestions (提出建议时说) Let's go to the beach. 咱们去海滩吧。 Let's not tell her what we did. 咱们干的事可别告诉她。 ( BrE) Don't let's tell her what we did. 咱们干的事可别告诉她。 I don't think we'll make it, but let's try anyway. 我不认为我们会成功,但不管怎样还是试一试吧。 ‘Shall we check it again?’ ‘Yes, let's.’ “我们再检查一下好吗?”“好的。” offering help 提供帮助 5 [no passive ] letsb/sth do sth used for offering help to sb (提出帮助时说)让,由 Here, let me do it. 喂,让我来吧。 Let us get those boxes down for you. 让我们帮你把那些箱子搬下来吧。 making requests 提出要求 6 [no passive ] letsb/sth do sth used for making requests or giving instructions (提出请求或给予指示时说)要 Let me have your report by Friday. 星期五以前要把你的报告交给我。 challenging 挑战 7 [no passive ] letsb/sth do sth used to show that you are not afraid or worried about sb doing sth (表示不害怕或担忧某人做某事)让 If he thinks he can cheat me, just let him try! 要是他以为能够骗过我,就让他来试一下吧! wishing 祝愿 8 [no passive ] letsb/sth do sth ( literary) used to express a strong wish for sth to happen (表达强烈的愿望)让 Let her come home safely! 让她平平安安回家吧! introducing sth 引出某事 9 [no passive ] letsb/sth do sth used to introduce what you are going to say or do (引出要讲或要做的事)让 Let me give you an example. 让我来举一个例子吧。 Let me just finish this and then I'll come. 让我把这个弄完,随后就来。 in calculating 计算 10 [no passive ] letsb/sth do sth ( technical 术语 ) used to say that you are supposing sth to be true when you calculate sth (计算时说)假设,设 Let line AB be equal to line CD. 设 AB 线与 CD 线等长。 house/room 房屋;房间 11 letsth (out) (to sb) ( especially BrE) to allow sb to use a house, room, etc. in return for regular payments 出租(房屋、房间等) I let the spare room. 我把那间空房出租了。 They decided to let out the smaller offices at low rents. 他们决定以低租金把那些较小的办公室租出去。 collocationsat house note at rent IDIOMS Most idioms containing letare at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example let aloneis at alone. 大多数含 let 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 let alone 在词条 alone 下。 ˌlet ˈfall sth to mention sth in a conversation, by accident or as if by accident 无意中提及;脱口说出 SYN drop She let fall a further heavy hint. 她似乎无意中又说出了一个明显的提示。 ˌlet sb ˈgo 1 to allow sb to be free 放,释放(某人) SYN free Will they let the hostages go? 他们是否会释放人质? 2 to make sb have to leave their job 解雇;开除 They're having to let 100 employees go because of falling profits. 由于利润下降,他们将不得不解雇 100 名员工。 ˌlet sb/sth ˈgo | ˌlet ˈgo (of sb/sth) 1 to stop holding sb/sth 放开;松手 Don't let the rope go. 别松开绳子。 Don't let go of the rope. 别松开绳子。 Let go! You're hurting me! 放手!你把我弄疼了! 2 to give up an idea or an attitude, or control of sth 放弃,摒弃(想法、态度或控制) It's time to let the past go. 该忘掉过去了。 It's time to let go of the past. 该忘掉过去了。 ˌlet sth ˈgo to stop taking care of a house, garden, etc. 不再照管,撒手不管(房屋、花园等) I'm afraid I've let the garden go this year. 恐怕我今年没有照看好园子。 ˌlet yourself ˈgo 1 to behave in a relaxed way without worrying about what people think of your behaviour 放松;随心所欲 Come on, enjoy yourself, let yourself go! 来吧,尽情地玩,玩个痛快吧! 2 to stop being careful about how you look and dress, etc. 不注重仪表;不修边幅 He has let himself go since he lost his job. 他失业后就不修边幅了。 let sb ˈhave it ( informal) to attack sb physically or with words 打,揍,用言语攻击(某人) let it ˈgo (at ˈthat) to say or do no more about sth 不再多说(或多做);就到此为止 I don't entirely agree, but I'll let it go at that. 我不完全同意,但也就这样吧。 I thought she was hinting at something, but I let it go. 我想她在暗示什么,然而我也没再多问。 ˌlet me ˈsee/ˈthink used when you are thinking or trying to remember sth 让我想一想;让我思考一下 Now let me see—where did he say he lived? 嗯,让我想想,他说他住在哪里呢? let us ˈsay used when making a suggestion or giving an example (提议或举例时)譬如说,比方说,例如 I can let you have it for, well let's say £100. 我可以把这东西卖给你,嗯,比如说给我 100 英镑吧。 PHRASAL VERBS ˌlet sb↔down to fail to help or support sb as they had hoped or expected 不能帮助,不能支持(某人);使失望 I'm afraid she let us down badly. 很遗憾,她让我们大失所望。 This machine won't let you down. 你尽管放心,这台机器不会出毛病。 He trudged home feeling lonely and let down. 他步履艰难地往家走,感到孤独而沮丧。 related noun let-down ˌlet sb/sth↔ˈdown to make sb/sth less successful than they/it should be (使)略逊一筹,美中不足 She speaks French very fluently, but her pronunciation lets her down. 她法语讲得很流利,但美中不足的是发音不大好。 ˌlet sth↔ˈdown 1 to let or make sth go down 放下;降低;降下 We let the bucket down by a rope. 我们用绳子把吊桶放下去。 2 to make a dress, skirt, coat, etc. longer, by reducing the amount of material that is folded over at the bottom (把连衣裙、裙子、外套等)放长;放出(褶边) OPP take up 3 ( BrE) to allow the air to escape from sth deliberately (故意地)放气 Some kids had let my tyres down. 几个小孩子故意把我的轮胎放了气。 ˌlet sb/yourself ˈin for sth ( informal) to involve sb/yourself in sth that is likely to be unpleasant or difficult 使陷入;使卷入;牵涉 I volunteered to help, and then I thought ‘Oh no, what have I let myself in for!’ 我自告奋勇要帮忙,然后又一想:“啊,不好,我干吗把自己卷进去呢!” ˌlet sb ˈin on sth | ˌlet sb ˈinto sth ( informal) to allow sb to share a secret 告知,透露(秘密) Are you going to let them in on your plans? 你是不是打算让他们知道你的计划呀? ˌlet sth ˈinto sth to put sth into the surface of sth so that it does not stick out from it 把…置入,把…嵌进(某物的表层) a window let into a wall 嵌进墙壁的窗户 ˌlet sb ˈoff (with sth) to not punish sb for sth they have done wrong, or to give them only a light punishment 不惩罚;放过;宽恕;从轻处罚 They let us off lightly. 他们对我们从轻发落了。 She was let off with a warning. 她没被处罚,只是受了个警告。 ˌlet sb ˈoff sth ( BrE) to allow sb not to do sth or not to go somewhere 允许(某人)不做;准许(某人)不去(某处) He let us off homework today. 他今天免了我们的家庭作业。 ˌlet sth ˈoff to fire a gun or make a bomb, etc. explode 放(枪等);使爆炸 The boys were letting off fireworks. 那些男孩在放花炮。 ˌlet ˈon (to sb) ( informal) to tell a secret (对某人)说出秘密,泄密 I'm getting married next week, but please don't let on to anyone. 我下周就要结婚了,但这事请对谁都不要说。 letthat… She let on that she was leaving. 她透露说她要离开。 ˌlet ˈout ( NAmE) (of school classes, films/movies, meetings, etc. 课堂、电影、会议等 ) to come to an end, so that it is time for people to leave 结束;下课;散场;散会 The movie has just let out. 电影刚刚散场。 ˌlet sb ˈout to make sb stop feeling that they are involved in sth or have to do sth 使某人解脱 They think the attacker was very tall—so that lets you out. 他们认为歹徒是个高个子,这样就没你什么事儿了。 related noun let-out ˌlet sth ˈout 1 to give a cry, etc. 发出(叫声等) to let out a screamof terror 发出恐怖的尖叫 to let out a gaspof delight 满意地松一口气 OPP hold in 2 to make a shirt, coat, etc. looser or larger (把衬衣、外套等)放大,放长,加宽 OPP take in ˌlet ˈup ( informal) 1 to become less strong 减弱;减轻 The pain finally let up. 疼痛终于减轻了。 2 to make less effort 放松(努力);松劲 We mustn't let up now. 我们现在决不能放松。 related noun let-up noun in tennis 网球 1 a servethat lands in the correct part of the courtbut must be taken again because it has touched the top of the net (发球时的)擦网球 house/room 房屋;房间 2 ( BrE) an act of renting a home, etc. 出租;租借 a long-term/short-term let 长期╱短期出租 IDIOM without ˌlet or ˈhindrance ( formal or law ) without being prevented from doing sth; freely 毫无阻碍;顺畅地;自由地 let / let ; NAmE let /
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