leper 英 [ˈlepə(r)]   美 ['lepər]


leper  英 [ˈlepə(r)] 美 ['lepər]

n. [皮肤] 麻疯病患者;受蔑视的人(不愿接触的人) 


And the beggar-woman put her hand on his head, and said to him, 'Rise, ' and the leper put his hand on his head, and said to him, 'Rise, ' also. 那个乞丐女人把她的手放在了他的头上,对他说:“起来吧。” 那个麻风病人也把他的手放在星孩头上说:“起来吧。”
Mother Teresa was a “PR machine” who, whether talking to a dying leper or a rich donor, “always left her imprint by communicating in a language the other person understood”. 特丽莎嫲嫲是“公众关系机器”,无论是与濒死的麻风病患者,还是富有的捐献者交谈,特丽莎嫲嫲都能够用对方能够理解的语言给对方留下深刻印象。

  • The word leper was historically used to refer to someone who suffered from leprosy, a bacterial illness that affects the nerves, skin, and respiratory tract. Because leprosy was thought to be highly contagious, the word leper also came to be used more generally to mean "an outcast" or "a person to be avoided."
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  • n. [皮肤] 麻疯病患者;受蔑视的人(不愿接触的人)
  • 1. And the beggar-woman put her hand on his head, and said to him, 'Rise, ' and the leper put his hand on his head, and said to him, 'Rise, ' also.

    那个乞丐女人把她的手放在了他的头上,对他说:“起来吧。” 那个麻风病人也把他的手放在星孩头上说:“起来吧。”

  • 2. Mother Teresa was a “PR machine” who, whether talking to a dying leper or a rich donor, “always left her imprint by communicating in a language the other person understood”.


  • 3. It is like the body of a leper.


  • leper (n.) "one afflicted with leprosy," late 14c., earlier "the disease leprosy," from Late Latin lepra, from Greek lepra "leprosy," noun use of fem. of lepros (adj.) "scaly, scabby, rough, leprous," related to lepein "to peel," from lepos, lepis "a scale," from PIE root *lep- (1) "to peel," which also yields words for "something delicate and weak," via the notion of "small shaving, flake, scale" (cognates: Latin lepidus "pleasant, charming, fine, elegant, effeminate," lepos "pleasantness, agreeableness;" Old English læfer "rush, reed; metal plate;" Lithuanian lopas "patch, rag, cloth," lepus "soft, weak, effeminate").
leper / ˈlepə(r) ; NAmE ˈlepər / noun 1 a person suffering from leprosy 麻风病患者 2 a person that other people avoid because they have done sth that these people do not approve of (因其所为而)被大家躲避的人;别人唯恐躲之不及的人 leper lepers leper / ˈlepə(r) ; NAmE ˈlepər /
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