lemming 英 [ˈlemɪŋ]   美 [ˈlɛmɪŋ]


lemming  英 [ˈlemɪŋ] 美 [ˈlɛmɪŋ]

n. [脊椎] 旅鼠(北极的一种动物) 


After all, it would take only oneanalytical lemming to save the others from mythological disaster by telling his friends, “Hey guys, I don’t think this cliff diving idea is so good after all.” 毕竟,为了避免一场虚构的灾难,我们还需要一位分析型的旅鼠去告诉它其他的朋友:“嘿! 伙计,我可不认为悬崖跳水这个主意很妙”。
There is just something a bit too lemming-like about that course of action and I've always taken pride in being true to who I am even if that means I must break with the norm. 这简直是太像那些为了行动而动的旅鼠了,而我,则一向是以自己的真实而骄傲的,哪怕有时这意味着我要打破某些规矩。

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  • n. [脊椎] 旅鼠(北极的一种动物)
  • 1. After all, it would take only oneanalytical lemming to save the others from mythological disaster by telling his friends, “Hey guys, I don’t think this cliff diving idea is so good after all.”

    毕竟,为了避免一场虚构的灾难,我们还需要一位分析型的旅鼠去告诉它其他的朋友:“嘿! 伙计,我可不认为悬崖跳水这个主意很妙”。

  • 2. There is just something a bit too lemming-like about that course of action and I've always taken pride in being true to who I am even if that means I must break with the norm.


  • 3. Whether The Conference Board’s Consumer Price Index goes up or down, the media spreads the word, people read/hear about it and lemming-like follow in “their” footsteps.


  • lemming (n.) small arctic rodent, c. 1600, from Norwegian lemming, from Old Norse lomundr "lemming." Perhaps from Lapp luomek. Figurative sense (in reference to their prolific breeding and sudden mass migrations that sometimes end in plunges into the sea) is from 1958.
lem·ming / ˈlemɪŋ ; NAmE ˈlemɪŋ / noun a small animal like a mouse, that lives in cold northern countries. Sometimes large groups of lemmings migrate(= move from one place to another) in search of food. Many of them die on these journeys and there is a popular belief that lemmingskill themselves by jumping off cliffs. 旅鼠(许多人认为旅鼠会集体从悬崖上跳下自杀) Lemming-like we rushed into certain disaster. 我们像旅鼠一样忙不迭地冲进灾难。 lemming lemmings lem·ming / ˈlemɪŋ ; NAmE ˈlemɪŋ /
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