leased [li:st]  


leased  [li:st]

adj. [租赁] 租用的  n. 专线;一线路(指一电话线路每天 24 小时地连通两地)  v. 租用(lease的过去式和过去分词) 

There are currently nine Ikea stores in eight cities in China, and they are either owned directly by Ikea or in space leased from other developers. 目前宜家在中国的八个城市有九家商场。 这些商场或是直接由宜家拥有,或是租用其它开发商的场地。
An enormous 22, 000 hectares of this area has been leased by a Swedish company, SEKAB, for the production of ethanol for Sweden, supposedly to make Sweden more ‘eco-friendly’. 一家名为SEKAB的瑞典公司在这一地区租用了22 000公顷的土地,来为瑞典生产乙醇,以促使瑞典成为更加“生态友好”的国家。

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  • adj. [租赁] 租用的
  • n. 专线;一线路(指一电话线路每天 24 小时地连通两地)
  • v. 租用(lease的过去式和过去分词)
  • 1. There are currently nine Ikea stores in eight cities in China, and they are either owned directly by Ikea or in space leased from other developers.

    目前宜家在中国的八个城市有九家商场。 这些商场或是直接由宜家拥有,或是租用其它开发商的场地。

  • 2. An enormous 22, 000 hectares of this area has been leased by a Swedish company, SEKAB, for the production of ethanol for Sweden, supposedly to make Sweden more ‘eco-friendly’.

    一家名为SEKAB的瑞典公司在这一地区租用了22 000公顷的土地,来为瑞典生产乙醇,以促使瑞典成为更加“生态友好”的国家。

  • 3. He leased his apartment to his friend.


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