lean manufacturing  

lean manufacturing

lean manufacturing 

phrase. 精实生产 

It has spread to the manufacturing industry all over the world as a tool of lean manufacturing. 作为精益生产的工具,它现在已经应用于世界各地的制造企业之中。
lean manufacturing tries to minimise inventory - parts of cars that haven't yet been added to a working car. 精益生产努力减少库存-那些还没有安装到可工作的汽车上的零件。

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  • phrase. 精实生产
  • 1. It has spread to the manufacturing industry all over the world as a tool of lean manufacturing.


  • 2. lean manufacturing tries to minimise inventory - parts of cars that haven't yet been added to a working car.


  • 3. In lean manufacturing, the definition of inventory is pretty clear.


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