leaker 英 ['li:kər]   美 ['likər]


leaker  英 ['li:kər] 美 ['likər]

n. 水压试验时出汗;有漏元件;渗水铸件;走漏消息者 


Although some critics say the leaker has compromised U.S. security and endangered U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, the leaker, Ellsberg said, should be admired for his courage. 尽管一些批评认为泄密者将美国的国家安全和阿富汗美军置于险地,但艾斯伯格认为那位泄密者勇气可嘉。
The attention bestowed on the leaker can at times overshadow the value of the news that has been leaked. 因泄密而吸引到泄密者身上的注意力有时会超过被泄露的秘密本身。

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  • n. 水压试验时出汗;有漏元件;渗水铸件;走漏消息者
  • 1. Although some critics say the leaker has compromised U.S. security and endangered U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, the leaker, Ellsberg said, should be admired for his courage.


  • 2. The attention bestowed on the leaker can at times overshadow the value of the news that has been leaked.


  • 3. The organization said an anonymous leaker, credited only as 'our courageous source,' had furnished the materials, which included dramatic gunsight video.


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