lay 英 [leɪ]   美 [le]


lay  英 [leɪ] 美 [le]

v. 躺下,放下,放置;产卵 

进行时:laying  过去式:laid  过去分词:laid  第三人称单数:lays  名词复数:lays 

She laid the baby down gently on the bed. 她把婴儿轻轻地放在床上。
The horse laid back its ears. 那匹马把耳朵往后竖着。

  • To lay is to set something down or put it in a horizontal position. It can also mean to position or prepare something for action, or, simply, to lay eggs.
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  • v. 躺下,放下,放置;产卵
  • 1. She laid the baby down gently on the bed.


  • 2. The horse laid back its ears.


  • 3. The cloth should be laid flat.


  • 4. to lay a carpet, to lay a cable, to lay a pipe


  • 5. The grapes were laid to dry on racks.


  • 6. The floor was laid with newspaper.


  • 7. new-laid eggs


  • 8. The hens are not laying well .


  • 9. The bill was laid before Parliament.


  • 10. to lay a trap for sb


  • 11. She began to lay her plansfor her escape.


  • 12. She had laid $100 on the favourite.

    她在那匹特别喜爱的马上下注 100 元。

lay / leɪ ; NAmE leɪ / verb , adjective , noun see also lie 1 v. lay lays laid laying verb ( laid , laid / leɪd ; NAmE leɪd / ) put down/spread 放下;展开 1 [transitive ] to put sb/sth in a particular position, especially when it is done gently or carefully (尤指轻轻地或小心地)放置,安放,搁 laysb/sth (+ adv./prep.) She laid the baby down gently on the bed. 她把婴儿轻轻地放在床上。 He laid a hand on my arm. 他把手搭在我的胳膊上。 The horse laid back its ears. 那匹马把耳朵往后竖着。 Relatives laid wreaths on the grave. 死者亲属在墓前献了花圈。 laysb/sth + adj. The cloth should be laid flat. 布应展开平放。 HELP  Some speakers confuse this sense of laywith lie,especially in the present and progressive tenses. However, layhas an object and liedoes not. 有些人把 lay 的这一义项与 lie 混淆了,尤其是在现在时和进行时中。然而,lay 后可接宾语, lie 后则不接宾语 She was lying on the beach. She was laying on the beach. Why don't you lie on the bed? Why don't you lay on the bed? In the past tenses laid(from: lay ) is often wrongly used for layor lain(from: lie ). 在过去时中,laid (词根是 lay)常被误作 lay 或 lain (词根是 lie) She had lain there all night. She had laid there all night. 2 [transitive ] laysth (down) to put sth down, especially on the floor, ready to be used 铺,铺放,铺设(尤指在地板上) to lay a carpet/cable/pipe 铺地毯;铺设电缆;铺管道 The foundations of the house are being laid today. 今天正在给房子打地基。 ( figurative) They had laid the groundwork for future development. 他们为此后的发展奠定了基础。 3 [transitive ] to spread sth on sth; to cover sth with a layer of sth (在某物上)摊开,涂,敷;用一层…覆盖 layA (on/over B) Before they started they laid newspaper on the floor. 他们开始前在地板上铺了报纸。 The grapes were laid to dry on racks. 葡萄被摊放在架子上晾干。 layB with A The floor was laid with newspaper. 地板上铺了报纸。 eggs 4 [transitive ,  intransitive ] lay(sth) if a bird, an insect, a fish, etc. layseggs, it produces them from its body (鸟、昆虫、鱼等)下(蛋),产(卵) The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests. 杜鹃在其他鸟的巢中下蛋。 new-laid eggs 鲜蛋 The hens are not laying well (= not producing many eggs). 母鸡现在不爱下蛋。 table 桌子 5 [transitive ] laysth ( BrE) to arrange knives, forks, plates, etc. on a table ready for a meal 摆放餐具(准备就餐) SYN set to lay the table 摆好餐具准备用餐 present proposal 提出建议 6 [transitive ] laysth + adv./prep. to present a proposal, some information, etc. to sb for them to think about and decide on 提出,提交(建议、信息等) The bill was laid before Parliament. 议案已提交议会审议。 difficult situation 困境 7 [transitive ] laysth + adv./prep. ( formal) to put sb/sth in a particular position or state, especially a difficult or unpleasant one 使处于特定状态(尤指困境) SYN place to lay a responsibility/burdenon sb 把责任╱重担加于某人身上 to lay sb under an obligation to do sth 使某人承担做某事的义务 with nouns 与名词连用 8 [transitive ] laysth + adv./prep. used with a noun to form a phrase that has the same meaning as the verb related to the noun (与名词连用构成短语,其含义与该名词的相关动词相同) to lay the blame on sb (= to blame sb) 归咎于某人 Our teacher lays great stress on good spelling (= stresses it strongly). 我们老师着力强调要拼写正确。 plan/trap 计划;圈套 9 [transitive ] laysth to prepare sth in detail 周密准备;筹划;设置 to lay a trap for sb 给某人设下圈套 She began to lay her plansfor her escape. 她开始周密策划准备逃走。 Bad weather can upset even the best-laidplans. 天气不好,再好的计划也会打乱。 have sex 性交 10 [transitive ,  often passive ] laysb ( slang) to have sex with sb 与(某人)性交 He went out hoping to get laidthat night. 他那天晚上外出希望找个女人睡一宿。 fire 11 [transitive ] laysth to prepare a fire by arranging wood, sticks or coal (摆好木、柴或煤)生火 bet 打赌 12 [transitive ] to bet money on sth; to place a bet 对…下赌金;下赌注 laysth to lay a bet 下赌注 laysth on sth She had laid $100 on the favourite. 她在那匹特别喜爱的马上下注 100 元。 lay(sb) sth (that)… I'll lay you any money you like (that) he won't come. 我看他不来了,你愿意赌多少钱我都奉陪。 HELP  This pattern is not used in the passive. 此句型不用于被动语态。 IDIOM Idioms containing layare at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example lay sth bareis at bare. 含 lay 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 lay sth bare 在词条 bare 下。 PHRASAL VERBS ˌlay aˈbout sb (with sth) ( BrE) to attack sb violently 袭击(或猛打)某人 The gang laid about him with sticks. 那伙人用棍棒狠狠揍他。 ˌlay aˈbout you/yourself (with sth) ( BrE) to hit sb/sth without control or move your arms or legs violently in all directions 乱打;(向四面)拳打脚踢,猛打 She laid about herself with her stick to keep the dogs off. 她挥棒乱打以赶走那几条狗。 ˌlay sth↔aˈside ( formal) 1 to put sth on one side and not use it or think about it 把…放在一边(或搁置一旁) SYN set aside He laid aside his book and stood up. 他把书放在一边,站了起来。 ( figurative) Doctors have to lay their personal feelings aside. 医生不得不把个人的情感置之度外。 2 ( also ˌlay sth ˈby ) to keep sth to use, or deal with later 留存备用;留待以后处理 SYN put aside They had laid money aside for their old age. 他们存钱防老。 ˌlay sth↔ˈdown 1 to put sth down or stop using it 放下;停止使用 SYN put down She laid the book down on the table. 她把书放在桌上。 Both sides were urged to lay down their arms (= stop fighting). 双方都被敦促放下武器。 2 ( formal) to stop doing a job, etc. 中断(工作);辞(职);放弃 to lay down your duties 停止履行职责 3 if you lay downa rule or a principle, you state officially that people must obey it or use it 规定,制订(条例或原则) You can't lay down hard and fast rules. 规则不能定得太死。 it is laid down that… It is laid down that all candidates must submit three copies of their dissertation. 根据规定,所有学位答辩人均须提交论文一式三份。 4 [usually passive ] to produce sth that is stored and gradually increases 积存某物 If you eat too much, the surplus is laid down as fat. 要是吃得太多,过剩的营养就会积聚成为脂肪。 ˌlay sth↔ˈin/ˈup to collect and store sth to use in the future 贮备;贮存 to lay in food supplies 贮存食物 ˌlay ˈinto sb/sth ( informal) to attack sb violently with blows or words 猛打;痛打;责骂;抨击 His parents really laid into him for wasting so much money. 他因挥霍这么多钱财被父母狠狠地责骂了一顿。 ˌlay ˈoff | ˌlay ˈoff sb/sth ( informal) used to tell sb to stop doing sth (让人停止做某事)停止,别再打扰 Lay off me will you—it's nothing to do with me. 别找我好不好,这事与我无关。 laydoing sth Lay off bullying Jack. 别再欺负杰克。 ˌlay ˈoff sth ( informal) to stop using sth 停止使用 I think you'd better lay off fatty foods for a while. 我认为你最好暂时别吃油腻的食物。 ˌlay sb↔ˈoff to stop employing sb because there is not enough work for them to do (因工作不多而)解雇 SYN make sb redundant related noun lay-off ˌlay sth↔ˈon ( BrE) ( informal) to provide sth for sb, especially food or entertainment 提供(尤指食物或娱乐) to lay on food and drink 提供饮食 A bus has been laid on to take guests to the airport. 已安排公共汽车运送客人去机场。 ˌlay sth ˈon sb ( informal) to make sb have to deal with sth unpleasant or difficult 使不得不处理(讨厌或困难的事) Stop laying a guilt trip on me (= making me feel guilty). 别再让我感到内疚了。 ˌlay sb↔ˈout 1 to knock sb unconscious 把…打昏 2 to prepare a dead body to be buried (给死者)作殡葬准备 ˌlay sth↔ˈout 1 to spread sth out so that it can be seen easily or is ready to use 铺开;摆开;展开 He laid the map out on the table. 他把地图在桌子上展开。 + adj. Lay the material out flat. 把布料摊开放平。 2 [often passive ] to plan how sth should look and arrange it in this way 布置;策划;安排;设计 The gardens were laid out with lawns and flower beds. 花园里设置了草坪和花坛。 a well-laid-out magazine 设计精美的杂志 related noun layout 3 to present a plan, an argument, etc. clearly and carefully 清晰谨慎地提出,策划(计划、论点等) SYN set out All the terms and conditions are laid out in the contract. 所有的条款与条件在合同中均已清楚地列明。 4 ( informal) to spend money 花钱 SYN fork out I had to lay out a fortune on a new car. 我只好花一大笔钱买了辆新车。 related noun outlay ˌlay ˈover (at/in…) ( NAmE) to stay somewhere for a short time during a long journey (长途旅行期间)作短暂停留 related noun layover see also stopover ˌlay sb ˈup [usually passive ] if sb is laid up,they are unable to work, etc. because of an illness or injury (因病或受伤而)卧床歇工 She's laid up with a broken leg. 她因腿部骨折卧床养病。 ˌlay sth ↔ ˈup 1 = lay sth in 2 if you lay upproblems or trouble for yourself, you do sth that will cause you problems later 自找(麻烦);自讨(苦吃) 3 to stop using a ship or other vehicle while it is being repaired (船或其他交通工具维修时)停止使用,搁置不用 adjective [only before noun ] 1 not having expert knowledge or professional qualifications in a particular subject 外行的;非专业的;缺少专门知识的 His book explains the theory for the lay public. 他的书为大众阐明了这个理论。 2 not in an official position in the Church 平信徒的;在俗的 a lay preacher 在俗传道员 see also layman , layperson , laywoman noun 1 ( taboo, informal) a partner in sex, especially a woman 性伙伴;(尤指)性交的女人 an easy lay (= a person who is ready and willing to have sex) 淫妇 to be a great lay 为荒淫无度的荡妇 2 ( old use) a poem that was written to be sung, usually telling a story (供吟唱的)叙事诗 IDIOM the ˌlay of the ˈland ( NAmE) ( BrE the ˌlie of the ˈland ) 1 the way the land in an area is formed and what physical characteristics it has 地貌;地势;地形 2 the way a situation is now and how it is likely to develop 目前的形势及发展趋势 lay / leɪ ; NAmE leɪ / laid / leɪd ; NAmE leɪd /
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