laterally ['lætərəlɪ]  


laterally  ['lætərəlɪ]

adv. 旁边地 

These and other so-called turfgrasses are botanically ambidextrous; they can reproduce sexually, by putting out seeds, and asexually, by spreading laterally. 这些被称作草皮草种的草在植物学上具有两性,他们可以通过草籽进行有性繁殖,也可以通过侧向散布进行无性繁殖(植物学家认为它们在两千万年前的中新世获得这第二种繁殖能力。
You can either relax on the roller without moving (which opens your chest laterally) or roll gently from side to side to massage the muscles along your spine. 你可以躺在滚筒上不动(这样可以使你的胸腔向两侧打开),也可以慢慢地滚动,按摩脊柱两侧的肌肉。

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  • adv. 旁边地
  • 1. These and other so-called turfgrasses are botanically ambidextrous; they can reproduce sexually, by putting out seeds, and asexually, by spreading laterally.


  • 2. You can either relax on the roller without moving (which opens your chest laterally) or roll gently from side to side to massage the muscles along your spine.


  • 3. Dynamic crosscutting is the process of creating behavior in an aspect via pointcuts and join points, which can then be applied laterally, at execution time, to existing objects.

    动态横切 是通过 切入点 和 连接点 在一个 方面 中创建行为的过程,连接点可以在执行时横向地应用于现有对象。

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