largess 英 [lɑ:'dʒes]   美 [lɑrˈʒɛs, -ˈdʒɛs, ˈlɑrˌdʒɛs]


largess  英 [lɑ:'dʒes] 美 [lɑrˈʒɛs, -ˈdʒɛs, ˈlɑrˌdʒɛs]

n. 慷慨的赠予;赠品 


Mr. Hayashi spoke with fondness about the easygoing lifestyle afforded a largely by the largess of Tokyo Electric. 林先生说轻松的生活状态很大程度上得益于东京电力的慷慨赠与,赞美之情溢于言表。
But he said there was unlikely to be much strategy for use of the sports stadiums beyond putting on a good show and demonstrating wealth and largess to the outside world. 但他又说,不太可能有很多在使用体育馆上,能超越上演一场好的演出和向外面的世界展示财富和慷慨的方法。

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  • n. 慷慨的赠予;赠品
  • 1. Mr. Hayashi spoke with fondness about the easygoing lifestyle afforded a largely by the largess of Tokyo Electric.


  • 2. But he said there was unlikely to be much strategy for use of the sports stadiums beyond putting on a good show and demonstrating wealth and largess to the outside world.


  • 3. Corruption or fraud that allowed local officials and the well-connected to pocket large sums of public largess won't be exposed.


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