languidly ['læŋgwidli]  


languidly  ['læŋgwidli]

adv. 疲倦地;不感兴趣地;不活泼地;阴沉地 

He listened to the man expounding the slave-morality, and as he listened, he thought languidly of his own Nietzsche philosophy. 他听那人向他解释起奴隶道德,便懒懒地想起了自己的尼采哲学。
Twisting languidly through the sky towards the horizon, this is one of Nature's most stunning - and rarest - displays. 这是自然界最震撼人心也是最罕见的一幕:像躺倒电线杆状的‘卷云’懒洋洋地扫过天空移向地平线。

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  • adv. 疲倦地;不感兴趣地;不活泼地;阴沉地
  • 1. He listened to the man expounding the slave-morality, and as he listened, he thought languidly of his own Nietzsche philosophy.


  • 2. Twisting languidly through the sky towards the horizon, this is one of Nature's most stunning - and rarest - displays.


  • 3. On the veranda at Mount Elizabeth Station, a wallaby reclined languidly on a dog bed.


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