lacquered ['lækəd]  


lacquered  ['lækəd]

adj. 涂漆的;喷漆的  v. 涂漆(lacquer的过去分词) 

Alternatively, the seat has a steel column on a lacquered footplate. 另外,这种椅座的漆式踏板上还有一个钢圈。
And it was probably a wealthy collector a couple of hundred years ago who had the inside of the pot lacquered with a thin layer of gold. 这件陶器可能在几百年前,曾经辗转落入一个富有的收藏家手中,他就在这陶钵内壁贴上了一层薄薄的漆金箔内衬。

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  • adj. 涂漆的;喷漆的
  • v. 涂漆(lacquer的过去分词)
  • 1. Alternatively, the seat has a steel column on a lacquered footplate.


  • 2. And it was probably a wealthy collector a couple of hundred years ago who had the inside of the pot lacquered with a thin layer of gold.


  • 3. The entrance was made to be the symbolic existence of expectation for the previous state with a fascination decorated with a five-colored curtain and a profound vermilion-lacquered signboard.


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