kick up 英 [kik ʌp]   美 [kɪk ʌp]

kick up

kick up  英 [kik ʌp] 美 [kɪk ʌp]

v. 踢起;引起;激起 

名词复数:kick ups 

And it turns out that the dog— when they zapped part of its brain, its leg would kick up. 结果是那只狗,当研究者们电击某个大脑区域时,狗的四肢便会乱踢起来
Megill and colleagues hope the bot can be used to study marine life near the shore, where a propeller would kick up too much sediment or get tangled in weeds. 梅吉尔和他的同事希望能利用这种机器来研究海岸边的海洋生物,因为在这里,螺旋桨会激起较多沉积物,而且会跟水草缠绕在一起。

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  • v. 踢起;引起;激起
  • 1. And it turns out that the dog— when they zapped part of its brain, its leg would kick up.


  • 2. Megill and colleagues hope the bot can be used to study marine life near the shore, where a propeller would kick up too much sediment or get tangled in weeds.


  • 3. A gadget called the Moon Impactor Probe will detach and land on the moon to kick up some dust, while instruments in the craft analyze the particles, ISRO says.


ˌkick ˈup
(especially NAmE)(of wind or a storm风或风暴)to become stronger越来越强;逐渐加强
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