kayak 英 [ˈkaɪæk]   美 ['kaɪæk]


kayak  英 [ˈkaɪæk] 美 ['kaɪæk]

n. 皮船;爱斯基摩小艇 


With the KPHONE, you can also earn meaningless points — we call them kayak Dollars. 有了KPHONE,你还可以赢取没多大意义的积分,我们称之为KAYAK美元。
Since it'll be summertime when you visit, you can encounter almost all of them by boat or kayak, then catch some yuletide rays on the beach. 由于圣诞节是那里的夏天,所以只要坐船或皮划艇出海,可以碰到几乎上述所有动物,再在海滩享受几抹圣诞阳光。

  • A kayak is a narrow one- or two-person boat that is propelled with a double-ended paddle. You can use a kayak in the ocean, on a pond or lake, or in a river.
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  • n. 皮船;爱斯基摩小艇
  • 1. With the KPHONE, you can also earn meaningless points — we call them kayak Dollars.


  • 2. Since it'll be summertime when you visit, you can encounter almost all of them by boat or kayak, then catch some yuletide rays on the beach.


  • 3. I hope they remember me laughing with them, playing with them, teaching them how to paddle kayaks before they could say the word kayak properly, jumping off the dock together holding hands.


  • kayak (n.) type of Eskimo light boat, originally made from seal-skins stretched over a wooden frame, 1757, kajak, from Danish kajak, from Greenland Eskimo qayaq, literally "small boat of skins." The verb is attested from 1875, from the noun. Related: Kayaking; kayaker (1856).
kayak / ˈkaɪæk ; NAmE ˈkaɪæk / noun a light canoein which the part where you sit is covered over (坐的部份遮盖起来的)独木舟,单人划子 kayak·ing / ˈkaɪækɪŋ ; NAmE ˈkaɪækɪŋ / noun [uncountable ] to go kayaking 去划独木舟 kayak kayaks kayaked kayaking kayak / ˈkaɪæk ; NAmE ˈkaɪæk / kayak·ing / ˈkaɪækɪŋ ; NAmE ˈkaɪækɪŋ /
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