- You want a word that’s a whole mouthful? Try jurisprudence, the study and philosophy of law. You want to study jurisprudence? Get ready for law school, where you’ll find even longer, more troubling words.
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- n. 法律体系;法学及其分支;法律知识;法院审判规程
1. But, inside and outside reports indicate that China's judicial system continues to be based as much on kickbacks as on jurisprudence.
如果开发商试图规避法律,就会有人起诉。 但内外的报告表明中国的司法体系基于法学也基于回扣。
2. The U.S. judiciary has much to share, with its long history of independence, its developed jurisprudence, and its rich experience with administering a large and diverse court system.
3. Lewis blends a profound understanding of First Amendment jurisprudence and history with an enjoyable writing style that his readers have long come to admire.
对于第一修正案法学体系以及历史发展的深刻理解,都被刘易斯融入这本书里面。 同时他的写作风格令人读来充满乐趣,读者长久以来都对其赞赏有加。
- jurisprudence (n.) 1620s, "systematic knowledge of law," from French jurisprudence (17c.) and directly from Late Latin iurisprudentia "the science of law," from iuris "of right, of law" (genitive of ius; see jurist) + prudentia "knowledge, a foreseeing" (see prudence). Meaning "the philosophy of law" is first attested 1756. Related: Jurisprudent; jurisprudential.
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