jumped-up [ˈdʒʌmptʌp]  


jumped-up  [ˈdʒʌmptʌp]

adj. 暴发的;自大的 

Technical innovation is a when promote development of current world economy important and jumped-up force. 技术创新是推动当今世界经济发展的一支重要新兴力量。
Graph theory is a jumped-up subject which develops very rapidly in recent years and is applied extensively. 图论是数学的一个分支,是近年来发展迅速而又应用广泛的一门新兴学科。

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  • adj. 暴发的;自大的
  • 1. Technical innovation is a when promote development of current world economy important and jumped-up force.


  • 2. Graph theory is a jumped-up subject which develops very rapidly in recent years and is applied extensively.


  • 3. With this new impetus, engineers and start-up companies have jumped at the challenge, and while beamed power is still in its infancy, three viable options seem to be emerging.

    有了新的动力,众工程师和创业公司跃跃欲试,纷纷加入挑战。 目前光束电力仍然处于起步阶段,有可能出现三种技术选择。

ˈjumped-up / ; NAmE / adjective [only before noun ] ( BrE) ( informal, disapproving) thinking you are more important than you really are, particularly because you have risen in social status (尤因社会地位提高)妄自尊大的;自视甚高的 ˈjumped-up / ; NAmE /
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