jump leads  

jump leads

jump leads 

phrase. 跨接电线(用以连接两辆汽车的电池从而发动其中一辆没电的汽车) 

Ensure that the jump leads cannot come into contact with any moving parts of either engine. 请保证启车线不与任何一辆车处于运转的引擎部位和零件接触。
As you learn more, your excitement grows - perhaps a short proof-of-concept is successful and leads you to jump in with both feet and adopt the new technology for a big new project. 当您知道更多时,您的激情增加,也许短期的概念性验证是成功的,并导致您用双脚跳起来,并在新的大项目中采用新技术。

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  • phrase. 跨接电线(用以连接两辆汽车的电池从而发动其中一辆没电的汽车)
  • 1. Ensure that the jump leads cannot come into contact with any moving parts of either engine.


  • 2. As you learn more, your excitement grows - perhaps a short proof-of-concept is successful and leads you to jump in with both feet and adopt the new technology for a big new project.


  • 3. In addition, emigration to the mainland would presumably jump, initiating a vicious cycle whereby a shrinking tax base leads to rising taxes and curtailed services, prompting further emigration.


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