jeweled ['dʒu:əld]  


jeweled  ['dʒu:əld]

adj. 饰有宝石的 

Bright red, black, or jeweled nails are not appropriate for the workplace. 亮红色,黑色,或闪闪的指甲在职场上都是不合适的。
Pomegranates in the courtyards are bursting their vermillion skins to show off their jeweled kernels. 院子里,饱满的石榴撑破了朱红色的外衣,展示着宝石般的果粒。

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  • adj. 饰有宝石的
  • 1. Bright red, black, or jeweled nails are not appropriate for the workplace.


  • 2. Pomegranates in the courtyards are bursting their vermillion skins to show off their jeweled kernels.


  • 3. 'Jewelry is really the easiest way to transform from day to evening,' she says, noting that she carries a little studded or jeweled clutch in her daytime bag when she has evening events to attend.

    加西亚女士说,珠宝首饰真的是将日装变成晚装的最简单的方法。 她说,每当有晚间活动需要出席的时候,她总是会在白天的手袋里装上一只饰有金属或珠宝的晚装包。

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