it'd ['itəd]  


it'd  ['itəd]

abbr. 已(it had);会(it would) 

So why would another romanceless asexual think it'd be odd never to go on one date in their life? 所以为什么另外一个不解风情的无性恋会觉得一辈子从不出去约会感觉很怪呢?
That could help explain some of the slide the buck has suffered lately and —if true —it'd likely mean more downward dollar pressure to come. 这可能是美元汇率最近下跌的部分原因,如果真是这样,则可能意味着美元未来还会遭遇更多下行压力。

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  • abbr. 已(it had);会(it would)
  • 1. So why would another romanceless asexual think it'd be odd never to go on one date in their life?


  • 2. That could help explain some of the slide the buck has suffered lately and —if true —it'd likely mean more downward dollar pressure to come.


  • 3. Even the most patriotic humans can't compare: “it'd be like having an American flag tattooed to you at birth,” he says. “They are permanently indentured to their society.


it'd / ˈɪtəd ; NAmE ˈɪtəd / short form 1 it had 2 it would it'd / ˈɪtəd ; NAmE ˈɪtəd /
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