isolationist 英 [,aɪsə'leɪʃənɪst]   美 [,aɪsl'eʃənɪst]


isolationist  英 [,aɪsə'leɪʃənɪst] 美 [,aɪsl'eʃənɪst]

n. 孤立主义者  adj. 孤立主义的;孤立主义者的 


I have a hunch that they are trying to swing all the way back to their old isolationist ways and notions of Chinese supremacy. 我感到他们试图回到过去的孤立主义,以及中国至尊的概念。
Our problem is that America — turned inward by economic fears and isolationist tendencies — is in the process of beggaring its foreign assistance programs and retreating from global engagement. 我们面临的问题是,美国,这个因经济方面的担忧和孤立政策转而向内的国家,正在乞求别国的援助,并从国际舞台上撤退。

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  • n. 孤立主义者
  • adj. 孤立主义的;孤立主义者的
  • 1. I have a hunch that they are trying to swing all the way back to their old isolationist ways and notions of Chinese supremacy.


  • 2. Our problem is that America — turned inward by economic fears and isolationist tendencies — is in the process of beggaring its foreign assistance programs and retreating from global engagement.


  • 3. The biggest trick for the Obama team, though, will be to resist Americans' natural urge on the home front to turn inward at a time like this, becoming more protectionist and isolationist.


  • isolationist (n.) 1899 in reference to U.S. foreign policy, "one who advocates a policy of non-participation in foreign affairs" (earlier in reference to treatment of leprosy), from isolation + -ist. As an adjective from 1920. Isolationism is attested in a general sense by 1902; in a U.S. geopolitical sense from 1922.
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